Back safe from Ribblehead, but kaye hated it........ordred me to buy better!!

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Kaye hated my van, no heating, no tv, no lightng etc etc. and shes swore blind never to go into it, shes told me to go out and buy another, bigger van with all mod cons (shes paying!) she said it wasnt a romatic weekend, but she liked parts of it, just not the parts that involved stuck in the van with no heat or light...............

hope everyone gets home safe

oh that landlady at the Station in, what a complete B*TCH!!! overcharging everyone ,being rude.......cutting off the wifi etc etc. what a cow she was to me. rude and obnocious even

Kaye had a great time in the pub with everyone, we had to leave just before midnight as they were letting off fireworks, so had to go and comfort arthur and wittmann....she was ok but arthur was shaking like a leaf all night after that :-(
Well done for looking after your doggies :)
but sorry to hear your weekend did not go so well. However if you get a better van as a result, hmmmm, maybe a happy new year after all :dance:
I must totally disagree with Jules on your comments on the Landlady.

Although I can't prove it one way or the other, I dont think they 'turned off the wi-fi' I think it was just tempremental. It was back on again after midnight on New Years Eve (or should that be New Years Day, in the early hours???!).
Anyway, the wi-fi was not advertised as being available, it was a bonus that we had any connection at all.

With regards to 'overcharging'. I will say that the drinks were on the expensive side, but you are in the middle of nowhere. By a McDonalds from a motorway Service Station and see how much they charge over and above the ones in town.
You did say at the time that you had been overcharged, but I saw no evidence. Did you question the prices with the staff at the time?

It was very good of the pub owners to let us take up so much room in their car-park and to make us all feel so welcome. Hopefully we will stil be able to use the pub if we get to go back up as a group again in the Summer.

On a happier note, it was nice to meet and have a chat with Kaye and hopfully once she gets her wish of a van that has at least got basic heating and lighting, she does come out again and meet up with us all again. You never know we might even pick a weekend when it's not p!ss!n it down constantly!!
she overcharged us the first night and the next day, not just on the gin, but when i got out lass a bailys and hot chocolate, it said 3.25, but she tried to charge me 4.50i pointed this out and just got some muttering back, i never a got a thankyou each time i went to the bar, she just seemed totally rude, i know some others said so too. she would charge everyone £5 or over for a large G&T, yet it said 3.50, only if you pointed to the sign and said you want a 3.50 price. i know some got charged for food and drinks they didnt even have, sure they will comment later as some are staying a day or 2 more. She had a right go at the young barman when he put a fraction too much drink in those little measuring metal things, and made him pour the couple of drops back in the bottle. i know people said the food was amazing, and it did look nice. ok i could be wrong about the wifi, but ven said he was using it fine and it just stopped and he though it was one of them from the pub

I thought it was really romantic to snuggle together looking out the window, and the heavy rain and mist while in a sleeping back, but kaye didnt....ok the weather was a nightmare, but i guess it wasnt much fun in the van, with no heating, lighting or anything, thats why we came home today and not tomorrow. i guess it was hard to find things in the van in the middle of the night in the pitch black, kicking and falling over things. like i said the van was designed for a single guy and 2 dogs to go away in and not for a girl.

thinking of getting a couple of leisure batts, wiring etc and redoing the inside, so its more room, light and heat etc but i think its too late for kaye.....she said she had the worst time of her life in that van and totally point blank refuses to ever step inside it again lol.

we nice to see familiar faces again, and new ones. lots of nice dogs too!!
oh, when we got home, our lass walked into no electic.....we had nothing, fridge, freezer etc all off. i checked the fuse box and it had tripped...

i went back out, to put the hookup cable onto the van (so i could turn the lights on to unload lol) and guess what i socket on the cable, it had been cut off!! kimbo jenny knows about the nasty neighbours i have (brake fluid, keyed, assults etc etc) and the night before we left we had abuse (got it recorded and cops are involved) so they would have cut it...i guess they would have got a bit of a shock!!!

had neighbours from hell for over a year, council dont want to do anything and the cops keep giving them cautions (but nothing is serious enough to evict them, or rehouse us) kayes only been living here a month (never met them) but gets abuse though the windows, she wont bring her car, and i have to drive her and pick her up each day from work, she cant even stand outside without getting abused.....

anyway kaye shed a few tears earlier, about the weather and the weekend away bad bits, but we smiling now thinking about really wasnt a good time of year for her first camping trip, esp in a old van (which ran great on the veg oil!!) with no heating, lights or owt :)
Kaye hated my van, no heating, no tv, no lightng etc etc. and shes swore blind never to go into it, shes told me to go out and buy another, bigger van with all mod cons (shes paying!) she said it wasnt a romatic weekend, but she liked parts of it, just not the parts that involved stuck in the van with no heat or light...............

hope everyone gets home safe

oh that landlady at the Station in, what a complete B*TCH!!! overcharging everyone ,being rude.......cutting off the wifi etc etc. what a cow she was to me. rude and obnocious even

Kaye had a great time in the pub with everyone, we had to leave just before midnight as they were letting off fireworks, so had to go and comfort arthur and wittmann....she was ok but arthur was shaking like a leaf all night after that :-(

wow, strong words cj! I must admit that was not my experience with the pub.
As DTdog said, they didn't have to let us all take up so much space in the carpark (although it makes good business sense)
It is a shame you feel you were overcharged and rudely treated!

I hope you can make the changes you want to the van to tempt Kaye into a 2nd outing?

wow, strong words cj! I must admit that was not my experience with the pub.
As DTdog said, they didn't have to let us all take up so much space in the carpark (although it makes good business sense)
It is a shame you feel you were overcharged and rudely treated!

I hope you can make the changes you want to the van to tempt Kaye into a 2nd outing?


yeah i know strong words, its just how she was to us and others, it seemed like too much trouble for a smile, or anything.

really hoping kaye gives it another chance, yeah i cant blame her, taking her up somewhere with gales and non stop rain for days, couldnt stand outside for a couple of min without getting drenched and then not much room in a dark van lol. i guess it was boring for her too, as once i took my meds i was zonked out for a few hours, while she had no radio or tv. cant really expect her to like it.
The Station Inn is probably along with Helwith Bridge one of the most motorhome friendly pubs in the country.

The special offer drinks are a lot cheaper than my local and excellent real ale beer prices average....not bad for a "captive" audience.

Jo the landlady is also very obliging and will do anything for you.

I dont know what went wrong but I am sure it was not intentional on her part and hope she does not read this rant

and stop future stopovers.

station inn ribble head

i go up to ribble head and spend a quit a bit of time in pub. and i and a lot of others find alan and the landlady realy nice people you will have to go a long way to find a pub so motor home friendly .as this one i was there last night and had a brill time and i wasnt over charged once neither was any of the motor homing wild members that was there.
she really liked having the portaloo, so thanks to the people from Lincoln who gave it us,

your welcome Jules, glad it was useful, as discussed the tenner via paypal, is fine after you have received it and are happy. sounds like your getting a nice nice van lovely

from al n sal
your welcome Jules, glad it was useful, as discussed the tenner via paypal, is fine after you have received it and are happy. sounds like your getting a nice nice van lovely

from al n sal

yes it came in pretty handy and did make a difference.

I think i have talked some sense into her lol. had my heart on going to the south coast fossil hunting in the spring, with a visit to the bovington tank museum and with wanting to start a family, a nice newer bigger van is out of the question. im hoping once the weather is better to goto a more traditional inside layout, sink/cooker etc against a side wall, and toilet room at the other, rather than how i designed it just for me. a couple of leisure batts and electrics will be a great help, i have a 12v digibox i got for a couple of quid off ebay.
It is possible depending on your van to buy the interior ready made in kit form for around £400 approx and there are always people who will fit it for you in an afternoon....if Kay was wanting to buy another van, this wouldn't cost her a great deal and perhaps make you both happy..
It is possible depending on your van to buy the interior ready made in kit form for around £400 approx and there are always people who will fit it for you in an afternoon....if Kay was wanting to buy another van, this wouldn't cost her a great deal and perhaps make you both happy..

true. as i said the weather didnt help at all, and when i take my meds im out of the count for hours, so in a wind rocking van hit by torrential rain i cant really blame her, as others said. and with the layout i have there isnt much room for us both.

i aint got 400quid but willing to sell my unbuilt plastic models on ebay to make it better for her. looked at a pair of good leisure batts on ebay. get some nice LEDs etc.
You could check out eBay too CJ..there's some listed there too.
If you don't have much electrical stuff running in the van you don't really need two batteries. We currently make do with one 105amp hour bat that cost around £80. Never had any issues in the summer and in scotland in October.
led light use next to nothing and water pump if u use tv digi box that wont take a lot so could get away with 1 battery charge from alternator as you drive
The Station Inn was great. Really welcoming. Landlady/Landlord very helpful, couldn't have been more pleasant. Food and beer great value.

Are you sure you went to the same place, Jools??!! LOL

The wifi did go down at odd times but I think they had a problem with the connection. G and T was £3.50 for a house gin double special. If you wanted house gin which was a cheap brand, you had to ask for the offer or they gave you the normal Gordons. Beer was £3.00 and they were all excellent real ales being a free house. You can pay £4-5 for processed keg rubbish around London. I think your comment about the landlady is totally misplaced.

I would give the Station Inn 8 or 9 out of 10.

Helwith Bridge just down the road is also good. I stayed there two nights, but it's cash only, no food to speak of, and no wifi, so the Station Inn is better.
The Station Inn was great. Really welcoming. Landlady/Landlord very helpful, couldn't have been more pleasant. Food and beer great value.

Are you sure you went to the same place, Jools??!! LOL

The wifi did go down at odd times but I think they had a problem with the connection. G and T was £3.50 for a house gin double special. If you wanted house gin which was a cheap brand, you had to ask for the offer or they gave you the normal Gordons. Beer was £3.00 and they were all excellent real ales being a free house. You can pay £4-5 for processed keg rubbish around London. I think your comment about the landlady is totally misplaced.

I would give the Station Inn 8 or 9 out of 10.

Helwith Bridge just down the road is also good. I stayed there two nights, but it's cash only, no food to speak of, and no wifi, so the Station Inn is better.

it was NOT house gin that was cheaper, there as only one brand,i know that as it was the same brand at both prices (kaye happened to have the last of one bottle of gordons so they got another) we was served gordons all night. the sign at 3.50 never said house doubles, we presumed it could have been that at the start but no one was given anything other than gordons

comparing prices to london is daft, that was north yorkshire, not south of watford gap.

she never smiled or said thank you each time i handed over the money, so in my eyes not misplaced, manners cost nothing
I was drinking G&T and it was gordons, there was no house gin, you just had to specifically ask for the special offer, and personally CJ i think your comments are a bit rich seen as you were very insulting towards your girlfriend and also upsetting two very nice polish people, making personal comments to what i was wearing, insulting John on his age, so i'd shut ya gob if were you.
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