Automated external defibrillator

Should we have an AED? Would you donate to fund it?

  • Yes to AED, Yes to Donation.

    Votes: 72 91.1%
  • Yes to AED, No to Donation.

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • No to AED.

    Votes: 5 6.3%

  • Total voters


I have been considering carrying an Automated external defibrillator in my van / trailer for use at our rallies / gatherings.

If a member does have a heart attack at one of our rallies / gatherings this device could literally be the difference between their life and death.

So I am setting up a poll.

Do you think it is a good idea to have an AED and would you be happy to donate towards the purchase costs of the unit?
Not a Rallier but more than happy to support this excellent idea.
Helen always carries one in our van wherever we go, and as she does training she has a training defibrillator I am sure she would be happy to bring along to meets for people to tryout.
I also deliver AED training and have several training units, Annies etc...

More than happy to deliver training too.
I have a dodgy ticker so count me in, never know when I might need it.
Pity we are getting to be such an unhealthy nation, nevertheless I can see the benefits but hope that it would never be needed, anyway happy to donate.
As you know Phil,I DO carry one on my van when out as you never know when it might be needed. When at home it goes under the seat of the car. Having done resus of one Arrest victim, (successful CPR for ten minutes before the two ambulances turned up) I though actually carrying a defib in the car would have made it a lot easier, and got him back quicker. The man involved went on to make a good recovery and is alive today four years later. He was shocked 6 time before they got him to AE.
Only a small percentage of 'out of hospital arrests' survive so it is important that everybody knows how to do PROPER CPR.
I might need it also so insurance for me as well.
I will be at the Drurridge Bay site with it.
I canny believe that this has been read over 300 times and only 17 people have stepped up to the plate you can guarantee it'll be one of the 283 that dident want to donate that'll need this thing first come on guys phill I'll put a £100 to start ball rolling. Sorry now 28
I canny believe that this has been read over 300 times and only 17 people have stepped up to the plate you can guarantee it'll be one of the 283 that dident want to donate that'll need this thing first come on guys phill I'll put a £100 to start ball rolling. Sorry now 28

The one I bought has a price of £780 and it is a lot of money to actually come up with as a single person but as a group bought item it is a lot easier. You might think that VAT would not be paid on it but as a non business you have to pay. Nothing like encouraging people.

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