Anyone ever get married in a camper?

Tes and I used our Auto-Sleepers Frisky as the wedding car.
Yeah, I bet.

But t'internet was still fairly young-ish back then, so not as busy.

Similar situation to wild camping itself at that time, I guess :p :)

Fairly young and not busy in 2004? Had been on it a looong time by then and we certainly found it busy. I met Caz in a chat room back in the late 90's, if anyone was around on AOL chat rooms back then this is the same name I used :)

Feck me, mrs seamus and I attended the reception down some dirt track in Argyle (think I posted about this a short time ago.)
Anyway, Rio from Wales didn't trap, he broke down somewhere around Loch Lomond, we waited for hours, there were a few wild hoors getting a pig ready in a fire pit, and a big feck off salmon lying on a tree stump, got fed up waiting so asked 'the flying Scotsman' from MHF to wish the bride and groom our best wishes and bolted before that pig came alive and bit someone.
We did of course leave a few cases of best Belgian beer and a bottle of Scotch (no one gets my Jamesons)
Fairly young and not busy in 2004? Had been on it a looong time by then and we certainly found it busy. I met Caz in a chat room back in the late 90's, if anyone was around on AOL chat rooms back then this is the same name I used :)

Yeah, but be honest, nowhere near as busy as now! :)

I was using the internet at work before it was the internet back in late 80s early 90s :)

Oh, and while I'm here, my van's bigger'n your van so there! :p :lol-049::wave: x
Unfortunately the law does not allow it. The building in which you get married has to be a permanent structure that has been inspected for compliance and safety.
Unfortunately the law does not allow it. The building in which you get married has to be a permanent structure that has been inspected for compliance and safety.

Sorry for the confusion - it's a bad thread title!

But my first post does go on to say "Anyone else whose wedding transport was a camper van?"

I'm not sure about getting married in a MH, it's nearly caused us to get divorced on many occasions. RESULT!!!!
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One Day,,,,I can live in hope...I’ve just got to remember to keep a Live one !.

Oh, Note to self,,,
Must clean out Fridge !
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Not a van, but still an unusual bridal car.


I've been bridal transport at a couple of weddings.
Oh no! :(

Just heard the bonny wee wedding camper has broken down 7 hours ago on the first night of their honeymoon!
They've spent the night in an AA lorry with the camper loaded on the back. AA chap can only take them half way to their destination before his driving time runs out, then they're unloading, waiting again & reloading.

Bummer, ey?

Welcome to the unpredictable world of campervans !!! :raofl: :D

Broken down camper.jpg

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