The teamwork involved in loading a transport aircraft is a thing of beauty and normally runs on rails. It would start hours in advance take off as the Movements Personnel would plan where to put the freight and pax on the aircraft taking into consideration aircraft structural limitations along with weight and balance calculations and also Dangerous Air Cargo rules and regs.
I would pitch up at 90 minutes to go initially to check the cargo paperwork and the freight planning that had gone on and then get driven out to aircraft. My first job would be to carry out my specific pre flight checks then check the load is where it should be and correctly restrained. Then it's up to the flight deck to input the aircraft weight and balance date along with the load data into the aircraft computer which then uses those figure to compute a whole raft of in flight calculations for the pilots.
Next up the catering truck arrives and I have to find somewhere to store all of that and finally any pax arrive who I get onboard, brief then get secured in time for engine start quite a busy 90 minutes