Another Carver Heater Problem

Thanks Lenny I'll check that out lets hope it helps it's got to be something really silly and me being thick: will let you know how I get on

nol luck with the heater I think we need a new spark unit for the time being a frien has loaned us an invertor so at least we can have some heat at night we'll get the heater fixed when we get back, off to Suffolk on Thursday:)
Hello every one I am also a new member fab sight. We have a trumatic 2000s in our camper never used it yet until the other day we have no instructions and can't find how to light it any ideas cheers

Turn gas open. Turn the button to *; push the button down. Ignition should work (says tick tick). If no ignition check the 1,5V battery under the stove,
replace it. Also check that the ignition doesn't send a 'false' spark to the body instead in the inside. If the flam goes on ,hold it at least 1/2 minute to heat up. Then turn the button on 1 to 4 position. When you hear 'woof': system works :cool: If not: shout to it (it's German :D) :eek:
truma heater

Hiya thanks for replying we've tried all that but we can't get a spark at all we can't even find a way to light in manually as it seems to be a sealed unit, backto the drawing board

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