Altogether now!!!


Post up one Pic of your beloved van.. lets get one thread where we get our rides together :D Lets make it BIG :D
Ill start

Meet Gwilly our VW t25

Be rude not to keep your thread going :D

This is the only pic on photobucket at the mo, it was in 07, shes had a major refit and welding done since then.

Heres one in sunnier times:):) and where you can see the van
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here's ''cosy bug'' at the foot of honister pass just a few miles from my hotel in portinscale but a great place to escape to , second only to the top of newlands pass
Hi could some kind person tell me how to insert a photograph from my computer :confused:
Brian and Marion
Hi could some kind person tell me how to insert a photograph from my computer :confused:
Brian and Marion

yes too please , thought i had cracked it but it appears not. I can only see my picture when logged on ( see previous post ) or if i open the image actually on the post
I have read through the faq to no avail :confused:
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Its Fine

yes too please , thought i had cracked it but it appears not. I can only see my picture when logged on ( see previous post ) or if i open the image actually on the post
I have read through the faq to no avail :confused:

Hi, your picture shows up just fine :confused:
No way

Hi could some kind person tell me how to insert a photograph from my computer :confused:
Brian and Marion

Hi Brian and Marion - had the same probs myself.

You have to sign up to something like photobucket (probably the best one as I tried Picassa and it was Cr@p) - upload your photos on then copy the .img address and paste into your thread

Simples :eek:

:D :D :D
Hi, your picture shows up just fine :confused:
thanks chrissy but i can only see the image when i am logged on , i can see everyone elses ok but on my post if i am not logged on i can only see the text and 025jpg which i have to click on to open . I dont have to do that with anyone elses pictures ......any idea why ?

sorry for spoiling the thread rach !, i just want to join in :D
nope soz

thanks chrissy but i can only see the image when i am logged on , i can see everyone elses ok but on my post if i am not logged on i can only see the text and 025jpg which i have to click on to open . I dont have to do that with anyone elses pictures ......any idea why ?

No soz, AJS, can probably help, I'm just being a parrot really :eek:

good luck

anyone else got one of these? pyranees summer 09
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