All possible help needed

helpful chap

i have just received a very informative reply from walter from antwerp. looks like 'they' have got a fixed reply for all our emails, telling of a local campsite accomodating motorhomes. at least they have bothered, instead of just ignoring the masses even though it won't be the same.
i received my reply yesterday and the campsite is ONLY €10 per night but make sure you are tucked up in your bed early, would hate to be locked out after 9 pm

Hi Flashingblade, Starblazer and other posters,
Thanks to your (and others) e-mails we got result. Now they are awaked over here that there is a MH-parking problem coming up. The quay's in centre town (from 1850) should be renewed; this was (is) a nice, more or less, tolerated spot. The MH campsite (near the southern outskirts) was once a city camping (150 places) and is now temporarely designed to receive 30 MH's. But this camping has to disapear for an extra parking lot for the nearby expo-halls.
Now they are aware a touristic problem is coming up which they can no longer ignore.
A hearing is promised shortly and I hope something comes out of this.
I keep you informed.
Thanks again for the help
We also got a reply offering Vogelzang Motorhome Campsite for 10 euro /night:D:eek:
Yep that is the one !
Nice surrounding at the first sight:a park in the neighbourhood but next to a few motorways, major roads, next an exposition and fairs hall; but only 20 minutes to the centre by tram, 1 restaurant in the vacinity, shops at about 1km (if you can find them) and a hotel looking down at you.
just checked my mail i got one too ,at least they had the decency to acknowledge with a reply unlike over here. hope you get some help good luck .

Hi Belgian, Just sent e.mail thanks for all your info.
Sent 2 e-mails. One in my name and one in my partners name. All the best Leo and good luck.
All done Leo, hope it helps. Please make sure a space is clear for me to come and do some family history research. hee hee.:D:D:D
It did help (I hope ?)

Thanks all for your e-mail towards Antwerp (
It really did matter. :)
For one there will be a public hearing about the quays in march. Though I think plans are all ready made up and chances for changes will be small.
On the other hand parking authorities got awake and will fit in designed spaces for motorhome parking. They allready came up with one proposition: the (new) parking of the new court of justice, an obvious building at the south of the inner city.
(Called here: "de omgedraaide fritzak" - upside down chipsbag-) :D
I believe this parking could be used allready (still have to check it out),not far from the circle highway 1,5km to the cathedral, museums, cafés and restaurants in the neighborhood (even a home-brewery with "bangelijk" (fearful) beer).:eek:
As for the other places they mention in their reply to you: Camping "de Molen" on the leftbank is closed till easter, you can still park at "Gloriantlaan"
nearby (but no facilities). Camping 'Vogelzang" rightbank (= city side of the river) is closed when something is going on in the Antwerp-Expo nearby.
Thanks again for mailing, you certainly helped to make things move overhere :cool:
good work BELGIAN. havent a clue where your talking about,but its good for WC
Antwerp quays

This is the place at the old Scheldt-quays, only a few hunderd meters from what is left of the historical centre.
It is not a nice made-up place. But when you park in the front row you have a vieuw over the river. Overnighting is tolerated, however no camping, no facilities.
These quays were made in 1860 and the shore was rectified then doing away with the original cradle of the town (which prooved to be a blunder)
There are almost no more vessels docking there now; the mooring facilities are industrial heritage now. (waterpressed cranes, hangars..)
There are plans to converse the site (5km long) into a promenade etc. together with other megalomanic plans (another tunnel under the Scheldt and a giant bridge over the harbour -Lange Wapper-) which are much contestated for what was already done prooved to be massive blunders.
Now there is hope that due to the reccession a lot of these plans will be forgotten in the deepest drawer. :rolleyes:
Very obliged for your mail to the city of Antwerp. Thanks again Graham :)
It will certainly help. Consistitly hammering on the same nail sure will open the eyes of the officials of this city.
Things are moving in the right direction. A hearing is planned in March and 'they' will reconsider the matter. Moreoff they know there will be a los in revenues in 2009 for the cruiseterminal on the same quays, simply a lot less arrivals (these, mostly American, tourists don't have the money anymore and if they come they embark in busses towards Bruges and don't spend any in Antwerp - I cannot imagine they all bought diamond rings :eek:).
They (the council) should be aware that they earn more from MH'rs than from those cruisers - off course a few MHs are less spectacular than a cruise-ship :rolleyes: As we say:'Wie 't kleine niet eert, is 't grote niet weerd' (Who dishounours the small is unworthy the big) :eek:
Thanks again
The Antwerp quays

The Antwerp city council is asking the public to give ideas about the renovation of the Scheldt-quays in the centre of Antwerp.
For one they did a nice job and found an original way: "Droom je kaai" (dream your quay). It is in dutch, but you can always have a look:
From about 150 adds, more than 35 are specificly demanding an 'aire' for motorhomes. This is a good sign, for the council can no longer ignore it :cool:
belgian m/home

Hi just posted e-mail hope you get more support
Hi Belgian, another booster e-mail on it's way to the coucil, good luck.

Happy Camping:)
Mine has just been sent...... not your pro-forma as i could'nt cut and past it so I composed my own........... expecting a knock on the door from our special forces any minute:eek:;)
Hi Belgian,
we got a reply back from Antwerp Council today (Tom Bosman) who thanked us for our interest and he explained the re-development of the Quay.
Good luck.

Happy Camping:)
Thanks for the support,
At least the council is becoming aware they should do something towards motorhomes.;)
But it will take a long time to realise, I fear :(

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