All possible help needed


Please help :confused:
Antwerp city-council is planning to completely renew the Scheldt-riverquays. Overnighting on the parkings there was tolerated, with view at the river and right near the centre of the old town. A Portugeese architect will draw the plans (why in heaven choose some people who knows nothing more about it than a place on the map ?)
We want as many as possible people to send an e-mail to:

‘We are motorhomers and love to visit your city, even out of the summermonths.
We can hardly find a good place for overnighting in our vehicle (which is allowed by your laws; parking and not camping).
When the council will be considering the renewal of the Scheldt-quays; please bear in mind that these present an excelent place for us, motorhomers, for overnight parking and visiting your nice city (close to the historical town and with a view on the river). Also bear in mind that our presence alone is a real extra income for the local pubs, restaurants, shops and musea in general.’
Living in ………………..
Modestly request to forsee an adequate motorhome-overnight parking in the planning of the renewed Scheldt-quays in Antwerp, if possible with services, and at a modest price.

I hope I may count on your support in this, fellows. An e-mail will cost you nothing. I only want to bury the council under a pile of them (I hope) :confused:
Consider it doe,Leo

You have my full support,Leo;), E.Mail on It,s way:cool:... for all the input you have given to this site, you deserve all the help you can get:)

Stupid me :mad:
e-mail adress is:
Thanks fellows, that's about the place showing in their heading, bejond the hangars on the quay.
Please stuff their in-box, so they cannot longer ignore us :D:eek::cool::rolleyes::p

i too have sent off the email. you probably need all the help you can get.
Thanks to all who send an e-mail.
The city-council of Antwerp seems to be very sensitive especially when foreign tourists post a reaction. (Their image you know :rolleyes:)
As a matter of fact I've been informed that a hearing will be held about the renewal of the quays. At least we got them awake.:rolleyes:
Now it will possible be: "every-one who shuts up, may speak; and if you speak, we are deaf" but thats our problem.
They made a big loss in the bank-crisis; so I hope they will not have the money to realise their megalomanic plans at least until the next elections.
Thank you all for your support, you surely where the drop that made the bucket flow over. :eek:
Many thanks, and I owe you all. Keep you informed whatever comes out of this.
Your spy on the other side of the ditch :D
Please help :confused:
Antwerp city-council is planning to completely renew the Scheldt-riverquays. Overnighting on the parkings there was tolerated, with view at the river and right near the centre of the old town. A Portugeese architect will draw the plans (why in heaven choose some people who knows nothing more about it than a place on the map ?)
We want as many as possible people to send an e-mail to:

‘We are motorhomers and love to visit your city, even out of the summermonths.
We can hardly find a good place for overnighting in our vehicle (which is allowed by your laws; parking and not camping).
When the council will be considering the renewal of the Scheldt-quays; please bear in mind that these present an excelent place for us, motorhomers, for overnight parking and visiting your nice city (close to the historical town and with a view on the river). Also bear in mind that our presence alone is a real extra income for the local pubs, restaurants, shops and musea in general.’
Living in ………………..
Modestly request to forsee an adequate motorhome-overnight parking in the planning of the renewed Scheldt-quays in Antwerp, if possible with services, and at a modest price.

I hope I may count on your support in this, fellows. An e-mail will cost you nothing. I only want to bury the council under a pile of them (I hope) :confused:

i also added the word campingcar/motorhomes to replace just motorhomes as i felt this term is more widely used and understood in europe
Altered the wording slightly

Dear Sirs

‘I am a Motorhome user and love to visit your city, even out of the summer months.
I can hardly find a good place for "overnighting" in our vehicle; which is allowed by your laws.

When the Council is considering the renewal of the Scheldt-quays; please bear in mind that the Quays are an excellent place for us, both for overnight parking and visiting your city. They are close to the historical town and with a view on the river. Also bear in mind that our presence alone is a real extra income for the local bars, restaurants, shops and museums in general.’

May I request that, in the future, provision for an adequate Motorhome overnight parking in the planning of the renewed Scheldt-Quays in Antwerp; if possible with services, and at a modest price?

Yours sincerely
The Cave, UK

Hi Belgian sent mine, looking forward to visiting the place in the Spring. Thanks for all you do.

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