Please help 
Antwerp city-council is planning to completely renew the Scheldt-riverquays. Overnighting on the parkings there was tolerated, with view at the river and right near the centre of the old town. A Portugeese architect will draw the plans (why in heaven choose some people who knows nothing more about it than a place on the map ?)
We want as many as possible people to send an e-mail to:
‘We are motorhomers and love to visit your city, even out of the summermonths.
We can hardly find a good place for overnighting in our vehicle (which is allowed by your laws; parking and not camping).
When the council will be considering the renewal of the Scheldt-quays; please bear in mind that these present an excelent place for us, motorhomers, for overnight parking and visiting your nice city (close to the historical town and with a view on the river). Also bear in mind that our presence alone is a real extra income for the local pubs, restaurants, shops and musea in general.’
Living in ………………..
Modestly request to forsee an adequate motorhome-overnight parking in the planning of the renewed Scheldt-quays in Antwerp, if possible with services, and at a modest price.
I hope I may count on your support in this, fellows. An e-mail will cost you nothing. I only want to bury the council under a pile of them (I hope)
Antwerp city-council is planning to completely renew the Scheldt-riverquays. Overnighting on the parkings there was tolerated, with view at the river and right near the centre of the old town. A Portugeese architect will draw the plans (why in heaven choose some people who knows nothing more about it than a place on the map ?)
We want as many as possible people to send an e-mail to:
‘We are motorhomers and love to visit your city, even out of the summermonths.
We can hardly find a good place for overnighting in our vehicle (which is allowed by your laws; parking and not camping).
When the council will be considering the renewal of the Scheldt-quays; please bear in mind that these present an excelent place for us, motorhomers, for overnight parking and visiting your nice city (close to the historical town and with a view on the river). Also bear in mind that our presence alone is a real extra income for the local pubs, restaurants, shops and musea in general.’
Living in ………………..
Modestly request to forsee an adequate motorhome-overnight parking in the planning of the renewed Scheldt-quays in Antwerp, if possible with services, and at a modest price.
I hope I may count on your support in this, fellows. An e-mail will cost you nothing. I only want to bury the council under a pile of them (I hope)