They have camping stuff in stock and toilet fluids.
Good timing, eh?
Never mind Aldi & the camping stuff, get yourselves along to Lidl for some of these. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm :tongue::tongue::tongue:
Think they're under £2, £1.70 something... delicious!
View attachment 64998
P.S. It'll be something nice to put in your new coolbox, Oppy![]()
Waddya mean, GET fat!!! :lol-049::lol-061: :wave:Your get fat !
Waddya mean, GET fat!!! :lol-049::lol-061: :wave:
Now I know why I hate you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll have you know that I am the correct weight for a 40 year old 6 footer :wave:
You won't be after you've scranned those choc ices![]()
Never mind Aldi & the camping stuff, get yourselves along to Lidl for some of these. Mmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm :tongue::tongue::tongue:
Think they're under £2, £1.70 something... delicious!
View attachment 64998
P.S. It'll be something nice to put in your new coolbox, Oppy![]()
You've been robbed, get back to Aldi, they do same sort of lolly at 3 for 75p. :lol-053::lol-053:
The sad thing is ( as a 5'9" 72 year old) I don't like chocolate and there's more than enough nuts on here to satisfy anyone's craving, but we did buy a tub of ice creme from Lidl in Chesterfield this morning and it survived the hour and a half journey back to Glossop (been to visit my wine fairy!!)
You don't like chocolate??!! :scared: :scared:
Well THAT explains why you're such a Meldr... I mean such a slim, cheerful soul!:lol-049::rabbit:
Go pour out some of that fairy wine, get sat in the shade out the sun and put your weary feet upxx
I used to, honest, but as I've got older my taste seems to have altered drastically, I'm more into savoury stuff now rather than the cloying taste of this gunk that they now call chocolate. As for being a "Meldr" yup guilty as charged, so go away and stop bothering me....................................Nurse, please come quickly, I'm being picked on, I need some pills and I think I've had a little accident too, sorry
Just stocked up with green and pink stuff and bought a powered coolbox too, thanks for the heads up
You've been robbed, get back to Aldi, they do same sort of lolly at 3 for 75p. :lol-053::lol-053:
Caz got some on the way home from the meet on Monday, aa little sweet for me but good enough, not sure if it was same offer then though but I think it would have been as she got two packs![]()
Caz got some on the way home from the meet on Monday, a little sweet for me but good enough, not sure if it was same offer then though but I think it would have been as she got two packs![]()
For one horrible moment, I thought you were referring to the toilet fluid...
I know wildcampers will drink anything... But that would drive you clean round the bend !
Hi Paul, talking of toilet fluid I've just put my last tablet in the cassette yesterday which came with the van when we got it. I'm sure Aldi in Tavira won't be stocking camping stuff so which one do you get when over here? Hope your both well :wave: