Aire - What is it worth?

Would you use an Aire at Lockerbie

  • Yes - Happy to pay

    Votes: 51 85.0%
  • Yes - NOT happy to pay

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • No - I would NOT use it

    Votes: 3 5.0%

  • Total voters
DO NOT make it free parking, there are Numpties in Motorhomes who will stay for a week if it is free and spoil it for others, so a fiver a night seems reasonable to me, services, water £1 for 100 ltrs, toilet empty £1, don't make the services free or the Numpties will just pull in and fill up with water and dump their toilet waste and rubbish and then drive off, I have seen this SO many times on Aires and even seen people wash their vans with a hose if free water. Just my opinion.:D:D
Proper enforcement is the key to avoiding problems.

I'm in two minds about charging for services, you are always going to get those who just turn up, use the services, and then go again but I think it would probably be a minority. Chris at Vicarious Books suggests that charging for services causes problems with vandalism and that the better option is just to charge a fee for overnight parking.

An option might be to have a ticket operated barrier system, like you get at some car parks, where you pay for the length of time you've stayed, at least that's an off-the-shelf proven technology. A small charge could be made for up to an hour's stay - long enough to empty and refill - with a higher fee for up to 24 hours.

Proper enforcement is the key to avoiding problems.

An option might be to have a ticket operated barrier system, like you get at some car parks, where you pay for the length of time you've stayed, at least that's an off-the-shelf proven technology. A small charge could be made for up to an hour's stay - long enough to empty and refill - with a higher fee for up to 24 hours.


Hi Andy thanks for comments. I am leaning towards a Flot Bleu, probably card operated, and as part of the 'secured by design' I would be looking to have CCTV security in the area. We are a quiet rural area so not keen to have pay parking although may look at some sort of parking control - all op-tions to be considered,

Hi Andy thanks for comments. I am leaning towards a Flot Bleu, probably card operated, and as part of the 'secured by design' I would be looking to have CCTV security in the area. We are a quiet rural area so not keen to have pay parking although may look at some sort of parking control - all op-tions to be considered,
Trouble with the Flot Bleu, and other proprietary French-made systems, is that when there's a problem you'll more than likely have to get parts sent over from France or even get one of their service agents over.

Whatever you decide, please keep me in touch. I'd be very happy to add the facility to my listing: Overnight stopovers for motorhomes in the UK and Ireland including the Practical Motorhome Nightstop Scheme locations

DO NOT make it free parking, there are Numpties in Motorhomes who will stay for a week if it is free and spoil it for others,
That is why I suggested putting a 24/48 hour limit on parking - as they do on Spanish aires for example. It is not necessary to charge in order to control parking.
I would say free parking with a charge for services. Dont forget your adding to your security if there are always a few vans there. I knew a guy once who had a boat yard in the lakes and he used to let us park our Commer by the lake in the 80's on his yard for free. He often got broken into but never when we were there.

Put a 48 hour time limit on but I doubt anyone will abuse it. It wil probably be a stopping off point really being where it is.

Hopefully people will spend at your facility (can you provide them with anything else?) and will buy stuff locally so good for the economy
hi Torwood
been looking at your thread, think it is a great idea for an Aire type spot in Lockerbie, i am not too far away from you, but i still break my journey between here and the Lake district, which i go to often, i travel all year, so i would def use it if it took off. Where in the town are you looking at to set this up, i am in Tesco quite often as my shopping for family in the south demands i get some local produce,
in fact i will be in sometime before xmas as i am taking down the prezzies for them,
Keep up the good work and i hope everything works well in our favour, soon,
hi Torwood
been looking at your thread, think it is a great idea for an Aire type spot in Lockerbie, i am not too far away from you, but i still break my journey between here and the Lake district, which i go to often, i travel all year, so i would def use it if it took off. Where in the town are you looking at to set this up...
Hi John

We have provisionally been gifted the land at the rear of the Ice Rink which is at the end of the town nearest J17 on the M74 (north). Ironically this used to be a municipal touring caravan park. No date for starting work as yet, we need to raise a few million quid first! But I am preparing the business case and we are outlining and costing options and I want to get an Aire included at the design stage. If you are passing Lockerbie and needing water or a stop for the night send me a PM and you can park at my door!

Hi John

We have provisionally been gifted the land at the rear of the Ice Rink which is at the end of the town nearest J17 on the M74 (north). Ironically this used to be a municipal touring caravan park. No date for starting work as yet, we need to raise a few million quid first! But I am preparing the business case and we are outlining and costing options and I want to get an Aire included at the design stage. If you are passing Lockerbie and needing water or a stop for the night send me a PM and you can park at my door!


Thanks Robert
i will take you up on that, it will be nice to meet you,
Similar situation in Cologne Germany, they charged €8.50 plus €1.00 per 8 hours of electricity.

I thought that was about the right price.

Pass Lockerbie regularly, in fact will be passing later today, and would support an Aire there. Have not had time to read all responses, but I would think it would be a good place, close to the motorway, and as many vans come north, it would be very useful to many of them. No doubt it will need to be supported to benfit the community. Go for it - AND IF YOU ARE COMING NORTH - SUPPORT IT!!

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