Over the past few months I and several others have discussed issues we all experiance with satisfactory reception of wireless signals that give us connection to the outside world.
I'm looking at stocking a number of products to help solve at least some problems.
I'm asking you guys what it is that you want??
To some, connection to the web is a curse, to others, almost the last thing they can do without, be it for pleasure or business.
I've already made some suggestions of how to improve WiFi, but 3G is still giving people hard times.
Wireless can be very fickle, but you can improve your chances of getting a signal.
Even where I live 3G broadband leaves a lot to be desired, and that's in a small town, when we're out and about the problems get worse.
Options are, do you want simplicity, but less chance of a good signal, or more complex solutions that can offer a greater probability of getting a good signal.?
Those in a tin MH have more of a problem.
Please let me know your requirements.
Obviously, discounts will be available to members if this takes off.
I'm looking at stocking a number of products to help solve at least some problems.
I'm asking you guys what it is that you want??
To some, connection to the web is a curse, to others, almost the last thing they can do without, be it for pleasure or business.
I've already made some suggestions of how to improve WiFi, but 3G is still giving people hard times.
Wireless can be very fickle, but you can improve your chances of getting a signal.
Even where I live 3G broadband leaves a lot to be desired, and that's in a small town, when we're out and about the problems get worse.
Options are, do you want simplicity, but less chance of a good signal, or more complex solutions that can offer a greater probability of getting a good signal.?
Those in a tin MH have more of a problem.
Please let me know your requirements.
Obviously, discounts will be available to members if this takes off.