150+ Balls of Golden Crest Knitting Wool


Full Member
75% wool, 1oz balls. 10x colours, sealed packs, A donation to a dog charity would be much appreciated otherwise free to a good home. Can deliver to the Stratford Racecourse meet in April or pick up from Nantwich Cheshire.
75% wool, 1oz balls. 10x colours, sealed packs, A donation to a dog charity would be much appreciated otherwise free to a good home. Can deliver to the Stratford Racecourse meet in April or pick up from Nantwich Cheshire.
Ral, is it double knitting wool? If so, are able to keep it until April? We're back home then and Sue will be, together with her WI covern beginning the annual shoe box campaign busily knitting hats,gloves and scarves.
150+, it's 4 ply shrink resistant, best for constant washing. Izzy is clearing her deceased Aunts house. You wouldn't believe what she has found, loads of really good quality unworn tagged clothing, hand made shoes, blankets galore, all wrapped. Some of it has already gone to charity.
The whisky went to Rals Belly Trust! :LOL:
Wool blankets are worth hanging on to or selling, they are very much in demand, have been for some time.

I much prefer them to all these modern fleece jobbies.
Ral, is it double knitting wool? If so, are able to keep it until April? We're back home then and Sue will be, together with her WI covern beginning the annual shoe box campaign busily knitting hats,gloves and scarves.

Don't get technical with me boyo! :D Can hang on to it if any good for Sue.
No takers on the camera yet Peter.
Yours Marie? Anybody?

Apparently good for willy socks, someone could make a fortune making them for our kilted friends!
4 ply is known as sock yarn or baby yarn, lovely but way too fine for me - would take me 100 years to knit anything!

Afraid I can only do a chunky wool you can knit up fast with a couple of cabers 😉 😁
I wouldn't mind some but I’m not sure how Lee would react to that much! We’re away till April...
I’m interested in the wool if nobody else is. More than happy to donate to a dog charity. We are going to Stratford but Richard also gets over Cheshire way regularly with his job so may be able to collect before then. Helen

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