It seems that we are either banned or ripped of by greedy councils.
To think that £30 a night for a carpark with nothing more than a space to park, is reasonable shows just out out of touch and how unreasonable these people are.
We are heading up to Findhorn later this month, they have built a stop over specifically designed for our use with toilet facilities, chemical waste, grey water disposal, and fresh water for £15 a night. And some may say that is to expensive, I will decide after my visit. Quite frankly these public carparks were built with our money, and now they are being used to rip us of. Many of these carparks have free car parking during the day, they should be free at night also, or comparable charges applied for night use as are charged during the day.
I have visited three campsites, with all facilities this year and the most expensive for two adults was £27 a night.