Have to say Gordon nice food and nice staff in the cafe .
Hi Gordon, we are just waiting for daughter to collect the kids. We should be with you about 5.30 to 6.00 Pm.
Snow in Larkhall how is it an Moffat.
What time for fly fishing tomorrow?
Will be leaving Stoke soon, not sure how far we'll get.
Will be leaving Stoke soon, not sure how far we'll get.
So is this whats known as Scottish sunshine?????
Will be leaving Stoke soon, not sure how far we'll get.
Roger and Chris arrived safe and sound and are loving it here .
Just incase he never saw you post
Thanks Gordon just realized I may have posted in the wrong thread. Could you pass my message on please. Glad they arrived ok. Have a good meet, nice place green frog perhaps I may be able to make the next on if you sort another. X