Easy Question?
I have just purchased a lovely (albeit second hand) 2005 swift kontiki. I cant wait to get it out and about, however I need some upgrades and I am unsure what to start with.
Refillable LPG system,
Solar panels, Satalite TV??
Any advice?
And you thought that you had asked an easy question! As you can see, from the replies, we have different opinions, and that isn't unusual, on forums.
As regards this forum, we can't even agree about the time of day.
My opinion? I agree with those who advocate waiting, until after you have used the van, a few times. I often wish that I had done this, instead of wasting money.
DON'T buy any accessories, until you have thought about it, carefully. They ALL add weight, and will eat into your payload. This adds to fuel consumption, extra tyre wear etc. In addition, most accessories, that are fitted on the outside of the van, will compound this factor, by adding extra drag.
We have had these discussions, before, but people who argue against this view, are arguing against the laws of physics.
Also, those who make sweeping statements that a particular accessory is definately required, are only giving an opinion, not facts.
You don't actually need any extras, they might be desirable, but are NOT needed.
To qualify this view, I point out, that Motorhomes were around, well before Refillable gas bottles,
Solar panels, and Satellite tv, were even invented.
We still thoroughly enjoyed this fantastic hobby, even without these luxuries.
Personally, I have Satellite tv, and Refillable gas bottles, but not
Solar panels, because I haven't found the need for them, and well understand the downside aspect, of having them on a van. I might add, that with our particular style of motorhoming, we rarely stay anywhere, for much more than 3 days.
I only had Refillable gas bottles, because, on our van, the gas bottles, are not side by side, so it was a difficult task, to swap over the inside one. We couldn't have a gas tank, being low profile, so opted for refillable bottles.
Tv, in a van, is obviously, a personal choice. Even in the days, before all the modern systems were available, I have always had tv. First, it was to keep the kids happy, but these days, our van really is a second home, so we have an automatic satellite system. That is mainly for abroad, and we tend to use a multi-directional aerial, for uk tv reception. More stealth like, for wildcamping, with no dish avertising that the motorhome is in use.
When you have used your van, for a few times, why not consider becoming a full member of this site, it makes our motorhoming life so much easier, both camping in the UK, or on the continent. Much better value, than any accessory that I can think of.
Whatever you do, try to use your Kontiki, as often as you are able, and enjoy it.