Me too Allan

, Spoke to Barry today and quoted some of Channas kind words

, this really seemed to gee him up (though they modestly laughed it off):
Me and kind words ? that must be a first!!!... What is more interesting is to quote '' they modestly laughed it off''
These fellas to quote a modern euphinism are in the 'zone'.
The blisters, aches and pains have become secondary....achieving their aim I suspect has become the main focus.
FWIW success and failure are bedmates in that both are an outcome, What I may consider a success others may view a failure and vice versa.
In the case of our two chaps, they have locked on to achieving an objective, and at this point I would lay a bet, wild horses and a years free beer wont tempt them to deviate from what has by now become a personal challenge.
entrenched in their beings
This is where as British people we unintentionally elevate ourselves.But seriously IMHO gives us our identity.
Being beaten is not an option
displaying fortitiude.
This is not a war, but a walk for charity, But the rules are the same!!!
Failure is not an option ...very British.
For a multiude of reasons, these fellas in their endeavours are to me at least displaying that 'raw grit' that should make us proud of our identity. A reason to celebrate we are British and be proud of it.