Magnetic Motors free energy?


I have been doing some research into magnetic motors. A magnetic motor once started continues to run with an input of energy. There are also magnetic surge motors which output more energy than they consume.

If you are interested in seeing some videos of them working or even cars and bikes being powered by them, try

The most interesting is the Perendev Motor which is at the production stage (allegidly) you can have a look on their website products page for more information.

I would like a Magnetic motor generator that would run 24/7 charging the vehicles bank of batteries so that then a large inverter could be used.

It would be nice to have a magnetic motor as an engine but from what I have read the power to weight ratio is no good. Although using surge motors to power the motors in electric cars is happening now.

The obvious question that springs to mind is; "Why if we have this technology and we need to stop carbon emissions why are Governments not pushing forward and funding these technologies?" The answer is that it is not in the interests of the Oil companies (who own the governments) or the Taxman (fuel duties).

Something for you to think about!
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Interesting ideas but they do not seem to have either delivered any products or showed any informaion to validate their claims.
If you look on an interesting site - and search for Perendev you will get some more background.
Sadly I suspect that till somebody finds a way to break the fundamental laws of physics these sort of products will appear and disappear.

As a sideline thanks for all your work in an interesting year. We have managed almost 150 days of wildcamping this year and only had to pay on 2 nights (no nights on camp sites). We look forward to reading more in the new year.
there have been loads of people invented new product but all the multi conglomerates either stifel or offer open cheques for the new products patents, look at the guy who invented the tyre that lasted the life of the car, dunlop bourght the patent and then buried it never to see the light of day again .if the government was so intent to combat global warming shurely they should be investing in hydrogen power, its clean unlimited supply but what would the oil companies? do pull there multi millions of backing to the worlds governments, that will never do shell bp exon and the like have this world in ther sticky oily paws the sooner oil runs out the better this world will be. they say when it runs out the world will grind to a halt what a load of old bull, there are more forms of energy out there renewable more efficient! cheaper than oil! it will also stop the arab producers holding us to ransom aswel.l just think they will have to tow the line in this world or be left mixing what little oil they will have left with sand, i am shure they will find something to use it for.thats my last rant for 2007 :D:D:D lets look forward to 2008 :eek::eek:they may outlaw tax on fuel! bring the counsel tax down! ban road fund duty on motor homes, as they are lesure veichles and the government want us to enjoy our leasure time:D:D and also ban these no overnighting sighns and height restriction barriers!!! but i aint holding my breath ha ha ha
Completely agree with you Mandrake.
It's a Don Quichottes fight. :mad:
Nevertheless I wish Admin all luck with his reseach; :)
Best wishes to you all for 2008 :)
I think the inventor of those amazing devices has already decided what his next couple of projects are going to be.
First is to convert water into wine just to get into the swing of things. He reckons that is going to be easy because the method has already been revealed.
Next he will convert iron into gold.
And his best idea yet - build a machine that copies things with the press of a button - free. This will revolutionise our lifestyles and this bloke can only afford all this largess because he has all that gold. How it works is that if you find someone who has the ideal motorhome, you borrow it, drive it into the machine and press the button. Presto, you have one just like the original.

The other advantage to using this genius' machine is that the motorhome comes equipped with several fuel saving features that this same bloke invented - including Fitches Fuel Catalyst, the wonder Magnetic Flux Aligner, the Reverse Polarity Long Organic Chain Destructor and at least two versions of those turbulators that fit in the intake manifold. This means not only that you never have to buy fuel again, but the engine is so fuel efficient that it actually produces more fuel than it uses -

I hear he will be announcing his next breakthough in about 3 months - 2008/04/01 to be precise.

- Amazing stuff isn't it.


Thanks heaps for that Perendev link Ian. So impressive that I cancelled my motorhome purchase and have sent all my money to them as an investment. Such a sure thing that I have ordered a brand new 40' MH with all the trimmings. The guys at Perendev guarantee I will be able to pay for it in cash just as soon as they sell the first 100,000 nitrogen-powered motors.
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I think the inventor of those amazing devices has already decided what his next couple of projects are going to be.
First is to convert water into wine just to get into the swing of things. He reckons that is going to be easy because the method has already been revealed.
Next he will convert iron into gold.
And his best idea yet - build a machine that copies things with the press of a button - free. This will revolutionise our lifestyles and this bloke can only afford all this largess because he has all that gold. How it works is that if you find someone who has the ideal motorhome, you borrow it, drive it into the machine and press the button. Presto, you have one just like the original.

The other advantage to using this genius' machine is that the motorhome comes equipped with several fuel saving features that this same bloke invented - including Fitches Fuel Catalyst, the wonder Magnetic Flux Aligner, the Reverse Polarity Long Organic Chain Destructor and at least two versions of those turbulators that fit in the intake manifold. This means not only that you never have to buy fuel again, but the engine is so fuel efficient that it actually produces more fuel than it uses -

I hear he will be announcing his next breakthough in about 3 months - 2008/04/01 to be precise.

- Amazing stuff isn't it.


Thanks heaps for that Perendev link Ian. So impressive that I cancelled my motorhome purchase and have sent all my money to them as an investment. Such a sure thing that I have ordered a brand new 40' MH with all the trimmings. The guys at Perendev guarantee I will be able to pay for it in cash just as soon as they sell the first 100,000 nitrogen-powered motors.
WHAT !!!!!!!!!!
OK, when we get to the stage of making wine out of water, gold out of iron
and ordering your motorhome out of the replicator.
i must warn you of the dangers of picking up hitch-hikers

:D :D :D sundown
Mandrake, I was just carrying on in what I saw as the spirit of the entire thread . "Free energy" & "motors which output more energy than they consume" were the clues I picked up on.

I didn't realise you were actually serious.

Interesting ideas but they do not seem to have either delivered any products or showed any informaion to validate their claims.
If you look on an interesting site - and search for Perendev you will get some more background.
Sadly I suspect that till somebody finds a way to break the fundamental laws of physics these sort of products will appear and disappear.

Of more interest will be new solar panels that are 'printed' and offer a cost of about 50p per Watt -less than £100 for a 180W.

See Saturday's Guardian -

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