Michellin Tyres

  • Thread starter Deleted member 12051
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Nicely answered, & don't worry about Northerner, he is on a mission.:idea-007: I wondered how long it would be before he took the bait. Sorry you caught the brunt of his response, but he tells us he doesn't intend to be aggressive & rude.

It appears that I owe you an apology. When you posted this;

'My family & I were moved off a large lay-by (probably a small historic quarry) in the Dales by the Police. The children were asleep in bed & we had to drive (following the patrol car) to a relatively nearby farm with camp site. I often wondered if the site owner knew or was related to the bobbies that moved us.'

and as it was without any sign of irony or the emoticons that you often use, I naturally assumed that you were serious and that, like some others, you are prone to silly and unreasonable conspiracy theories.

I now accept from two posts that you've made that you were not serious and that you just say things like this in order to bait people and get a reaction before sitting back to watch the inevitable arguments.

Once again, please accept my apologies for completely misreading your true intentions and your real motives, which I clearly misunderstood.
in portugal the tyres on an axle had to have the same tread,but that was a few years ago and the laws change regularly.whenever i had notice of dealings with foreign coppers or garages i made sure my wife was dressed in a skirt and looked as feminine as poss,as the continental flirt and charm gene will kick in at the sight of woman between 7 and 90 and the atmosphere changes. all you ladies should be aware of this. my girls have got away with stuff and found help in situations where i would have been given a hard time
It's a legal requirement in Germany to have SAME tyres on one axle. You will fail MOT with different makes on left and right, even different models of same manufacturer are not permitted. But the german cops will let you drive off with different tyres if that clears the road! Of course this doesn't applies to foreign cars.

Germany also has MUCH stricter rules about tyre wear (min 3mm rather than 1.5 I think) cos condemned tryes from Germany are imported to the UK & sold on as "part-worn" because they are still legal in the UK. I suppose one could travel with Legal UK tyres & yet be at risk of being nicked over there. It really is a minefield for tourists isn't it?
We had a Suzuki swift car which we brought 3 years old with Michelin tyres all round hardly any wear whatsoever, the spare had never been taken from the boot, but I had to have all 5 tyres changed because of severe cracking on all the side walls. The tyre depot said that it was a regular thing with Michelin tyres.

The michelin energy fitted on my 3 yr old Berlingo VT90 will stretch to 30k on my drive wheels having done 25k already and plenty of tread left.
The Agilis on my motorhome are just over 2yrs old and have done 13k already and will be ready for replacement before 5yrs. Cracking is caused by lack of use and being parked on one part of the tire for long periods and especially when under inflated which many drivers are guilty of . Direct Sunshine will deteriorate rubber much faster.
Cracking is more due to usage patterns than tyre brand

When I bought our van it was 6yrs old with 3 previous owners and ONLY 8700 miles the Michelins were like new on the treads but severely cracked from long periods parked up.
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Germany also has MUCH stricter rules about tyre wear (min 3mm rather than 1.5 I think) cos condemned tryes from Germany are imported to the UK & sold on as "part-worn" because they are still legal in the UK. I suppose one could travel with Legal UK tyres & yet be at risk of being nicked over there. It really is a minefield for tourists isn't it?

It's still 1.6mm in Germany for minimum thread depth.
Yes, 1.6 in Germany.

Scandinavian countries have 3.0 min for winter tyres.
Goodness me, he told me he bought his part-worn tyres from Germany. The trucks they come in are all Polish, but I would expect that anyway! Sorry to have misled you.
I am with who ever it was suggested that perhaps the police was suggesting you should have all the same make of tyres on. In this case that happened to be michellin. On the subject on michellins, mine have now passed the 75,000 mile mark over three years and are still going strong. Great tyres well worth the investment which fortunately i didn't have to make as they were new on my last van and i thought it wise to swap them over to my latest van when i got it.
I was always taught that it was UV light caused the rubber to oxidise which is why the walls tend to craze and break down. Keeping black rubber covered in storage does help. Which makes me wonder if the stuff car sales places paint on tyres to try and con us into thinking they are new, might actually do a bit of good if your van is parked up for a while???.

I was always taught that it was UV light caused the rubber to oxidise which is why the walls tend to craze and break down. Keeping black rubber covered in storage does help. Which makes me wonder if the stuff car sales places paint on tyres to try and con us into thinking they are new, might actually do a bit of good if your van is parked up for a while???.


Well, you learn something new every day on here! I thought that car showrooms used tyre black to make the car look smart, just as they valet and wax it. Funnily enough, when I have my car valeted, which I do once a year, they do the same thing!

I'd never realised that it was to con us into thinking that the second-hand car in question somehow came with new tyres! Amazing what people will fall for if it's true!
I am with who ever it was suggested that perhaps the police was suggesting you should have all the same make of tyres on. In this case that happened to be michellin. On the subject on michellins, mine have now passed the 75,000 mile mark over three years and are still going strong. Great tyres well worth the investment which fortunately i didn't have to make as they were new on my last van and i thought it wise to swap them over to my latest van when i got it.

75.000 miles! Holy cow! That's some mileage with one set of tyres.:bow:
And ouf course 25k per year of traveling. You get round a bit
75.000 miles! Holy cow! That's some mileage with one set of tyres.:bow:
And ouf course 25k per year of traveling. You get round a bit

It is a twinnie so i have 6 wheels and i rotate them round between front and back as the fronts wear quicker. Lots of miles yes as i commute in my van almost 400m miles/week. The mileage is nearer to 98,ooo but i put winter tyres on in december through to march so 75,000 is just as close an estimate as i can make. Theres still good tread left too.

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