I almost found Lotty.


We've talked by text, but not managed to be in the same area at the same time. I'm finding driving here traumatic to say the least and keep getting stuck in town centres. Last night we stayed on a car park in Dieppe and are about to depart fro Rouen, en route to the Normndy beaches and on to Brittany. At least I've managed to convince my wife that 'Chantier mobile' on a road sign, doesn't mean that the guy from the Go Compare advert is about to leap out of the hedgerow:lol-053:

Only another three weeks and I'll be driving on the normal side of the road again, will understand what I'm ordering in McDonalds and will be a happy bunny...
Only another three weeks and I'll be driving on the normal side of the road again, will understand what I'm ordering in McDonalds and will be a happy bunny...

Oh, dear, I think that's your problem, let go of the old & jump into the new experiences!

Use the local shops & point at what you want. Get them to write down the cost or hand over a large denomination note & count the change! Eat local, shop in markets & where the locals go. Watch what booze the locals buy & try it out. Enjoy the new & you will have loadsa memories & a few laughs from the things that go wrong!

What's the point of going foreign & eating at MacDonalds?
We've talked by text, but not managed to be in the same area at the same time. I'm finding driving here traumatic to say the least and keep getting stuck in town centres. Last night we stayed on a car park in Dieppe and are about to depart fro Rouen, en route to the Normndy beaches and on to Brittany. At least I've managed to convince my wife that 'Chantier mobile' on a road sign, doesn't mean that the guy from the Go Compare advert is about to leap out of the hedgerow:lol-053:

Only another three weeks and I'll be driving on the normal side of the road again, will understand what I'm ordering in McDonalds and will be a happy bunny...

Don't panic Bushy after three weeks you'll be surprised how much you will learn. Get you're phrase book out and don't be afraid to have a go.
Our french friends appreciate you trying.

I was driving through one town and my wife told me to turn right and I found myself in the middle of a market with a caravan on the back.

They were shouting crazy English at me, the cheeky sods. I'm crazy Welsh I told them. How insulting. lol
oh dear, let us know when you,ve found Lotty!..and Mcdonalds isnt a very nice place to be here, they,re swamped with folk stopping for happy meals to get a reprieve from the weather:D
i,ve had them a few times..when i was expecting i craved cardboard;)
We've talked by text, but not managed to be in the same area at the same time. I'm finding driving here traumatic to say the least and keep getting stuck in town centres. Last night we stayed on a car park in Dieppe and are about to depart fro Rouen, en route to the Normndy beaches and on to Brittany. At least I've managed to convince my wife that 'Chantier mobile' on a road sign, doesn't mean that the guy from the Go Compare advert is about to leap out of the hedgerow:lol-053:

Only another three weeks and I'll be driving on the normal side of the road again, will understand what I'm ordering in McDonalds and will be a happy bunny...

txt her quick and tell her kims missing her BADLY lol
i had a mc donalds once

You learnt your lesson then! :D

The first time I went I was persuaded by colleagues when in Prague. That put me off ever going in voluntarily, but I have been dragged in by G-kids a couple of times. What they see in it I will never know, but I don't mind having a coffee while they eat the muck.

I like eating local foods, including deep fried caterpillars, baby birds, horse & wild boar. Most have been good experiences, but I wouldn't bother with boiled nestlings again!
after been in Scotland for 3 weeks, traveling home in deep snow, everywhere was closed, except Mackie D's, the cupboard was bare, starving hungry, we went in and got one, the breadcake was dry, the meat was tough and cold and as for the salad on it, i've seen better at back door at Sainsburys, couldn't eat it, but Keisha loved it :tongue:
Keep at it bushtrekker, its only the towns that can be daunting. We have driven through and round France many times and the only place we really have trouble with is Rouen (not done Paris tho!!) We used a map the first time, and thereafter have used the satnav which seems to enjoy taking us on a different route each time! In Nov last year we came back through Rouen and it directed us down a little slip road which ran next to the river, but we just followed it and got through. Recently I have got brave and argue with the satnav (phillipa) and follow roadsigns instead. Its a mixed blessing, great when it works but sometimes a challenge!

The first time we drove in France we towed a caravan and, while looking for petrol (it was up a steep slope and closed!!) got lost and ended up parked in a village square for the night. Waiting till morning to calm down and read signs. Only thing was, the market started at 6am and they woke us up setting the stalls out round us:sleep-040:

Just reread your post and realised you are off to Rouen...good luck!!
we were so close but didn't know it! My iPad stopped getting internet connection, (think I hit my limit) and I couldn't find a Mcd's when I needed one! I nearly met Sinner too, just missed eachother around St Michels mount area!
One thing I did learn very quickly was don't go into the Village Centre, follow the route direction or auto direction signs and go around, saves pulling your hair out trying to navigate the narrow roads and pedestrians just stepping out infront of you!
We got stuck in that cycle thingey too! took us a 2 hour detour to get to the Somme cus of it, :mad2:

I hope the rest of your trip is less stressful. While your in Normandy, if you visist Arromanches, go after 6pm to the carpark with the 360 cinema on as the carpark attendent goes then and you can park for free and overnight, great view over the beach and battlements. Otherwise its 5 euro.

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