A refreshing letter in today’s paper!


Full Member
I’m heading up to Skye early next week to visit friends and parkup on his croft. I was then intending to travel on up to Mellon Udrigle And beyond for a week or so.
i will call my friend tonight and get his view on how things are regarding the reception I may or may not get and report back to the forum.
I may well have to review my plans depending on what he tells me. That will be Scotland’s loss and Cumbria’s gain if I decide not to go. Campsite fees at Mellon Udrigle, dining out twice if restaurants are open on Skye, a pair of sheepskin seat covers for my motorhome from Skyeskins, £150.00 of diesel bought in Scotland and my normal food shopping for the motorhome.
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When you are treated like crap by councils due to a minority of NIMBYS, and slaughtered by a bias press with no recourse of reply without an organisation to defend us, is this really surprising. Until we get ourselves organised and start to defend our rights as law abiding, tax paying, decent people, then expect this type of reaction from ill informed morons.
If they had been in a car, staying in a cottage, hotel, or B&B they would have posed a much greater risk of infecting the local community.
But would they have received the same abuse, the same signs saying you're not welcome when parking their car, I reckon we all know the answer.
So until the unpopular propaganda stops, and our voice is heard, expect this type of abuse.
As for the campsites being closed, that should make no difference whatsoever.
We decide wether or not to use campsites, not the media, councils, or folk with nothing better to do with their time but to offer us their ill informed ignorant opinions.
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My own personal thoughts on this. A lot of people have realised what life should be all about during this "break". I have enjoyed the quiet roads and seeing the blue skies unpolluted by commercial jetliners. Hearing more bird song than usual etc. The last thing on a lot of peoples minds will be the need to return to the hustle and bustle of normal life. Even though we have to. Eventually people will realise this need but it's going to take time and patience to get things going again. A long time.
I’m heading up to Skye early next week to visit friends and parkup on his croft. I was then intending to travel on up to Mellon Udrigle And beyond for a week or so.
i will call my friend tonight and get his view on how things are regarding the reception I may or may not get and report back to the forum.
I may well have to review my plans depending on what he tells me. That will be Scotland’s loss and Cumbria’s gain if I decide not to go. Campsite fees at Mellon Udrigle, dining out twice if restaurants are open on Skye, a pair of sheepskin seat covers for my motorhome from Skyeskins, £150.00 of diesel bought in Scotland and my normal food shopping for the motorhome.
I don't think Cumbria want you either. They have been saying stay away, but our tourist industry is going broke so would the government kindly give us a handout.
I don't think Cumbria want you either. They have been saying stay away, but our tourist industry is going broke so would the government kindly give us a handout.

Spoke to my friend who lives in Glendale near Neist Point lighthouse on Skye, plenty of motorhomes about much to the annoyance of most of his neighbours who are nearly all English ! He overlooks Meanish Pier and reckons there are people in tents, your guess is as good as as to what toilet facilities they are using.
He also said locals have put up no parking signs at Neist Point.
It only takes one in thousand to leave waste, foul or domestic then every one is blamed. The sad thing is more than one in a thousand will be that inconsiderate. There is a problem, was it a car driver or even a truck driver? So how do you solve this problem when even locals disrespect where they live.

Heavy on-the-spot fines with the right folk employed full time to issue them?

We already have parking wardens for parking offences, surely it can't be that hard to implement a comprehensive country-wide system to deal with the problem properly? Government and councils need the extra money now more than ever, so what better way? With the mind-boggling state of litter and rubbish tipping a damn good income is assured, at least it should be at the outset. Why rely on volunteers to come in and clear up after the offenders?! It's the offenders themselves who need to be hit hard in the pocket for their selfish and anti-social behaviour. And preferably be sent off to clear up not just their own but other offenders' rubbish as an extra punishment.

Littering and fly tipping need to be treated as a very serious offence.
Until it is, and more resources are physically in place on the ground to actually catch people at it and enforce the law, then the problem will never go away or be reduced.

PS - and EDUCATION is even more important! Though how you go about educating generations of ignorant adults who produce ignorant children, who produce ignorant grandchildren and so on ad infinitum, who knows? I guess you 'educate' them by fining them every time anything leaves their hands and hits the ground :)
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Unfortunately there is much anti English sentiment in Scotland, even discussed today in the commons Link

Sorry Bill, but I don’t agree with that comment.
Yes there are a small minority of morons up here.
But that’s what they are a small minority, and morons.
The vast majority of Scots even nationalists don’t think that way.
A few years back I was verbally abused in London because of my Scottish accent.
There are morons there as well, but the vast majority of people in England could not make me feel more welcome.
I think it’s important that we keep a true perspective on this.
Quite frankly I despise these idiots, wherever they come from, they give us all a bad name.
Heavy on-the-spot fines with the right folk employed full time to issue them?

We already have parking wardens for parking offences, surely it can't be that hard to implement a comprehensive country-wide system to deal with the problem properly? Government and councils need the extra money now more than ever, so what better way? With the mind-boggling state of litter and rubbish tipping a damn good income is assured, at least it should be at the outset. Why rely on volunteers to come in and clear up after the offenders?! It's the offenders themselves who need to be hit hard in the pocket for their selfish and anti-social behaviour. And preferably be sent off to clear up not just their own but other offenders' rubbish as an extra punishment.

Littering and fly tipping need to be treated as a very serious offence.
Until it is, and more resources are physically in place on the ground to actually catch people at it and enforce the law, then the problem will never go away or be reduced.

PS - and EDUCATION is even more important! Though how you go about educating generations of ignorant adults who produce ignorant children, who produce ignorant grandchildren and so on ad infinitum, who knows? I guess you 'educate' them by fining them every time anything leaves their hands and hits the ground :)

Only problem with that is that those awful private companies get the contracts and the morons who work for them have ridiculous targets and end up fining old ladies feeding the ducks etc etc...
You know this is one of the great misconceptions.
The land clearances did not just take place in Scotland, they took place throughout the then Great Britain. But proportionally we suffered more than any other nation.

And I think they were mostly to west side of Scotland?
Keep Calm and Carry on springs to mind.

Let the morons embarrass themselves. I haven changed my routine at all.
I was at the west coast of Scotland - Gairloch - today and for what ever reason its deserted. Hardly a MH in sight....hardly anyone in sight! Back to the east side of Inverness and theres MH everywhere. Maybe the west coasters have scared everyone off?? Obviously they don't need the £££

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