Your last meal.


If you had to choose your last meal, for whatever reason, what would it be?

Mine would be:

A starter of; a baked flat mushroom sat on a puff pastry base with onion marmalade topped with stilton.

A main course of; roast pork with lots of crackling, roasted potates (basted in with the meat), swede mashed with butter and black pepper, sprouts, carrots, stuffing, apple sauce and gravy.

Pudding; cheese cake with a thick base and topped with black cherry pie filling.

Finished of with a nice filter coffee or two.

What about you?
if things ran true to course my would be Humble pie again :dance:
A hot chicken curry fried rice nann bread followed by yes filtered coffee with cream:banana:
If it was going to be my last meal, forget the food and refer to the recent thread on Rioja - lots of it! :tongue:
A hot chicken curry fried rice nann bread followed by yes filtered coffee with cream:banana:

Whats the difference between your curry and a candle???

The candle only burns at one end.:hammer:
A very large piece of roasted lamb, with a bone through the middle, so I can hold both ends with my hands and get my teeth (partically false☺) into it. No veggies or trimmings, just a solid piece of meat. There after, a whole load of chocolates (Quality street) so I can indulge. To end it all, a quiet little nap before I drop dead. ☺☺☺
Aperitif Kir made with Dry champers.

Starter has to be Terrine of seafood with Aga toast. With a bottle of dry Riesling.

Followed by lemon sorbet

Steak tartar aller-retour with a green and herb salad with a light garlic dressing. With a bottle of Promenade des papes 88

Followed by mint ice or sorbet

Then home made apple pie and clotted cream

Finish with 3 or 4 nice French cheeses and oat thins along with a bottle of Cockburns 73.

I’m in heaven
I used to go away quite a bit on business and, when arriving back in the U.K., my first craving was for a sandwich of bacon on hot buttered toast. If I'd arrived via Heathrow and was driving north the first services on the M1 was the place to get it and I always stopped there whatever the time!

Many trips were to the Far East, where you couldn't get decent bacon but, even in the US, the bacon there is always the the kind that, when you attempt to cut it with a knife, everyone else on the table gets a bit as it shatters and flies around.

So for me, nothing fancy or sophisticated, just plenty of grilled smoked-bacon on toast that's been buttered whilst hot. Heaven!
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Would have to be bacon and cheese on oatcakes (its a Stoke thing)

Medium rare Chataubriand steak with chips & salad.

Cheese selection with savoury biscuits.

Pinau des Charentes rose wine.

Accompanied by Francis Albert crooning along in the background & I would toddle off with a smile.

Dez :(
Hi no not that crap curry but a lovely home made one by my wife:)
Bloody Betws y coed:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2: never again will i give them my money:mad1:
Not the crap they offered at Betws???? I'm disgusted with that.
If you had to choose your last meal, for whatever reason, what would it be?

Mine would be:

A starter of; a baked flat mushroom sat on a puff pastry base with onion marmalade topped with stilton.

A main course of; roast pork with lots of crackling, roasted potates (basted in with the meat), swede mashed with butter and black pepper, sprouts, carrots, stuffing, apple sauce and gravy.

Pudding; cheese cake with a thick base and topped with black cherry pie filling.

Finished of with a nice filter coffee or two.

What about you?

Yep, we'll be round as soon as possible, Phil, looking forward to it!! (And could I have some Baileys with my coffee. please?? Don't mind if it is the cheaper Aldi one!!):tongue::tongue::tongue:

KP x x x
These are my favourite starter, mains and desserts

My home made mushroom soup made with porccini mushrooms, cream and brandy, mmmmmmmm

Oxtail stew with fluffy cloud like dumplings, crispy brown on the outside, oooooooooooooooowhaaaaaaaa

Home made Treacle sponge and home made custard, nom nom
Well as I'm going to Hell when I go, I'd have to have a really hot vindaloo curry just to upset everyone else around me
Mine would be taken at an olde worlde Greek Taverna - beachside. A simple meal of barbecued squid, freshly caught, with a greek salad, a few chips & fresh crusty buttered breatd. Melon for dessert. All washed down with a glass or two of retsina. Ooh I can taste it now,and feel the sun on my back. :)

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