You lot are nutts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Hi Guys may i start with saying Bah bumhug Merry Christmas & New year Blah Blah Blah!!!!:wave::wave:

Guys having joined this forum i find you guys to be nuts:lol-053::lol-053: nutts in a good way,, your daily post make me howel with laughter:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053: i enjoy the fun the humour the plesent banter the clever witt,,,, your all still Nuts though:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
Long may it remain a top site,

And as you all may now know im as sain as the next man/woman on here:p
Tra la laaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously i am sain you know:wave:

I THINK????????????????????????????????????????????


Nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAD AS YOU LIKE I TELLS YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Merry Christmas Mothman.....and may I also wish a Merry Christmas to everyone else on here too..:king:
Merry Christmas to Mothman, Viktor and all the others on here! I think our collective insanity is what makes this such a great site; we can do serious and helpful as well, but it's the insanity that makes life fun......oops, sorry, gotta go, the men in white coats are at the door again, singing carols, and they'll wake up the pink elephants and purple pythons if I'm not quick....anyway, have a good one, everyone!!

KP x x x
Hi Guys may i start with saying Bah bumhug Merry Christmas & New year Blah Blah Blah!!!!:wave::wave:

Guys having joined this forum i find you guys to be nutts:lol-053::lol-053: nutts in a good way,, your daily post make me howel with laughter:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053: i enjoy the fun the humour the plesent banter the clever witt,,,, your all still Nutts though:rolleyes2::rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
Long may it remain a top site,

And as you all may now know im as sain as the next man/woman on here:p
Tra la laaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously i am sain you know:wave:

I THINK????????????????????????????????????????????


Nah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAD AS YOU LIKE I TELLS YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry but i am really offended by your comments, how dare you disrespect the Nut, which by the way is the correct spelling, i will have you know, the Nut, is the staple diet for our wonderful squirrels, monkeys, hamsters, parrots etc, they are in most foods, we have peanut butter, nut cutlets, crushed nuts, chopped nuts, flaked nuts, coated nuts, sugar nuts, pea nuts, monkey nuts, salted nuts, roasted....... NUTS WHOLE HAZLENUTS, cadburys make em and they cover them in chocolate. singing over. I'm going to complain to Admin, i'm not putting up with this no longer.


Love you Barry, my good and loyal friend xxxx
Nuts hey:mad2: let me tell you over the last 46yrs my nuts have got me into a lot of trouble and cost me a fortune :eek: so believe me i have no sympathy for nuts :baby:

Oh an merry wotsit and a happy thingy
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We wish all our readers:

The condiments of the Seasoning and a Preposterous New Year

Love you too Jen always there my good friend, your a Diamond amongst glass xxxxxxxxxx

I'm sorry but i am really offended by your comments, how dare you disrespect the Nut, which by the way is the correct spelling, i will have you know, the Nut, is the staple diet for our wonderful squirrels, monkeys, hamsters, parrots etc, they are in most foods, we have peanut butter, nut cutlets, crushed nuts, chopped nuts, flaked nuts, coated nuts, sugar nuts, pea nuts, monkey nuts, salted nuts, roasted....... NUTS WHOLE HAZLENUTS, cadburys make em and they cover them in chocolate. singing over. I'm going to complain to Admin, i'm not putting up with this no longer.


Love you Barry, my good and loyal friend xxxx

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