You have insurance, but are you actually insured?

Deleted member 967

On another forum some one has posted

MHF (and possibly Comfort as both are with AVIVA) DON'T cover wildcamping they will ONLY cover if it is on a secured registered site.

The person l spoke to will speak to the underwriter on Monday and let me know then but a heads up and if anyone had come across MHF or any other insurance.

This came up as they would cover me for work but l had to park at a secured site and not "the side of the road" even if l was sleeping in him. I said what happened if l was off touring and pulled over at a nice place to spend the night and was told they only cover secured sites & l wouldn't be covered.

They did seem to swop the words secured and registered so l assume they mean a cc or cl or equiv. site.

On Radio 4 (Money Program Saturday 10 March) someone moved house and when he telephoned his insurer to change his address details, he was told his new address was an uninsurable post code and that from the time he had moved, his car was uninsured. He said his car was parked on the road and it was law that it had to be insured. The insurer replied that the insurance was invalid and had been from the time he changed his address and he would have to pay a £30 cancellation fee.

He had technically been left uninsured.

If we wildcamp will we find ourselves left uninsured? There is nothing in my Comfort insurance booklet to say that the Motorhome can only be used on licenced sites. If we park on unsecured car parks are we left uninsured? If we stop in a layby are we ininsured? Are we covered on Aires?

I will keep an eye on the post and see what Monday brings.

If true it would be a waste of time & money owning a motorhome, I presumed a motorhome was a insured vehicle which is home from home. ie home is where you park it.

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please please don't confuses the office bound arse coverer who's safest course is to say no and shove it up the chain.and i'm not joking,a simple question could open a pandora's box of restrictive misery
I fully agree with Mr(s) Brown. Insurance Companies like to make £££. They impose all sorts of restrictions, very few of which are valid. When challenged they invariably relent, as was the case in a recent radio programme when a lady with mortgage payment insurance was refused a payout after being diagnosed with MS, on the grounds that she had not declared the completely unrelated need to wear a hearing aid which arose after the policy was taken out. Needless to say, as soon as the media and lawyers became involved the insurers did a prompt about face and payed up. There may be hassle involved but I'm sure, if challenged, the postcode decision would change.
The latest on this issue posted on MHF by giddy1515

I have just spoken with Comfort who offer Aviva Plans and they have confirmed that they would not offer for use on a non registered site.
I specifically asked would they offer cover if I did not stay on a registered site. I mentioned the use of service areas they responded by saying that they had had problems with service areas and so would not cover them.. So I guess that means wild camping is out if you insure with Aviva via Comfort or MHF

Another post by HeatherChloe

Are you SERIOUS? That I cannot stop at a motorway service station for a cup of tea without invalidating my insurance???? Where does it SAY that in the policy documents???????

They can't just MAKE IT UP!!!!!!!

If I stop at a service station on the motorway for a cup of tea and while I am inside a lorry crashes into my van and sets it in fire, and they refused to insure it, I would be suing the hell out of them.

I never heard anything so ridiculous.

I have no choice but stick with the insurance I have, as Comfort are the only company to cover for full timing. This definitly needs clearing up. The Admin at MHF is in touch with the underwriters and will have an definitive answer from them tomorrow.

so because i am also with this firm the only time i am insured is at my normal place of parking? registered camp site? or when in motion between the two :rolleyes2: yer sounds about right :scared:
hasn't the guy from comfort posted on here at times

Hi Arthur

I have sent off an email myself to Comfort

I have just seen the post below on a Motor home Forum

{Quote}I have just spoken with Comfort who offer Aviva Plans and they have confirmed that they would not offer for use on a non registered site.
I specifically asked would they offer cover if I did not stay on a registered site. I mentioned the use of service areas they responded by saying that they had had problems with service areas and so would not cover them.. So I guess that means wild camping is out if you insure with Aviva via Comfort or MHF {End Quote}
Is this a correct statement?

Motor homes are designed to be self sufficient and do not need the facilities of registered caravan sites to permit them to be used, unlike touring caravans.

With reference to the above quotation does this mean that Motor homes can only be used on Licensed caravan sites, Club caravan sites, or Certificated locations?
There is nothing in my policy booklet that states the above. There are limitations as to storage, but no stated limitations for where the Motor caravan can be used.

I am therefore seeking verification that my insurance cover on my motor home is operable while I am using it or leaving it parked unattended, within the time limits of the insurance, on:

Car Parks, Motorway service areas, Lay bys or on the highway in the UK
and on
Aires de Camping Car, Aires on Auto routes, Picnic Aires, Car Parks, Lay bys or the Highway in the territorial limits within Europe.

I await their reply.

This has to be a nonsense.

You are insuring a self-propelled vehicle, the same as a car is, and the cover has to extend to any location where such a vehicle might reasonably be used.

I suspect that if you took your car off road and damaged it you might expect an argument with your insurer if you tried to claim repair costs. Surely the same must apply to a motorhome - so that provided you are using it on the public highway or in proximity thereto the insurance will be in effect.

Whether or not you are in the vehicle doesn't come into it, and whether you're sleeping in it has no relevance either.

If the suggested restriction applied, it would mean that you couldn't leave your 'van in a car park, for example, without the insurance lapsing.

I think someone's being wound up.
I was the poster of the original thread and at least if my words are printed l would appreciate my reply also being printed as of today l have put up the following:

Peter from company rang he has been motorhoming for 30yrs so understood exactly.

It is a grey area with ALL insurance companies but so long as no laws are broken when parking up and all reasonable steps are taken to protect yourselves and others you should be covered.

For instance if police knock on the door say l wouldnt park here couple folks have been broken into you ignore it an stay get broken into that is not reasonable.

He also warned that you should discuss needs properly witb the ins. company to clarify problem areas dont duck out or think you understand or assume l have the paperwork l can do whatever it could bite your bum afterward.

I am happy that l got a lot of easy to understand help and advice that means l will go with mhf even though it is about £100 more than present one CG one
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Peter listened to the phone conversation l had with the sales lady, as lady had a family emergency and not in today. He feels we both misunderstood each other explained it to me and l put up the answer to clarify from Peter at the ins. company.
l spoke to him after my clarifying post (above dotted line) and confirmed l had understood and clarified the point correctly.
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while we're talking insurance....

Just while we're talking about insurance, people might be interested to know that I got a good quote from MHF and the staff seemed very helpful and knowledgeable.
OH then went back to Saga who had quoted around £50 more and asked about a price match- he got nowhere but after a couple of calls to customer care, got a customer loyalty discount ( a rose by any other name...) He then rang again later reminding them of a contents policy we had taken out ( that day- also discounted to beat another quote by £10) and we ended up paying £100 less than the original quote. Not bad for a morning's work...OH was well I'm a right grump and was really cross that we hadn't been offered that price in the first place! The I got even more cross as they faxed a cover note which the DVLA ( post office) won't accept and they should know that. Then they sent an email which was password protected without sending the password.....I lost count of the number of phone calls.........
but it's cheap :dance:
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I was the poster of the original thread and at least if my words are printed l would appreciate my reply also being printed as of today l have put up the following:

Peter from company rang he has been motorhoming for 30yrs so understood exactly.

It is a grey area with ALL insurance companies but so long as no laws are broken when parking up and all reasonable steps are taken to protect yourselves and others you should be covered.

For instance if police knock on the door say l wouldnt park here couple folks have been broken into you ignore it an stay get broken into that is not reasonable.

He also warned that you should discuss needs properly witb the ins. company to clarify problem areas dont duck out or think you understand or assume l have the paperwork l can do whatever it could bite your bum afterward.

I am happy that l got a lot of easy to understand help and advice that means l will go with mhf even though it is about £100 more than present one CG one
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Peter listened to the phone conversation l had with the sales lady, as lady had a family emergency and not in today. He feels we both misunderstood each other explained it to me and l put up the answer to clarify from Peter at the ins. company.
l spoke to him after my clarifying post (above dotted line) and confirmed l had understood and clarified the point correctly.
.............................. .................... ........................ ..................... ................. ....................

Thank you very much for the update Bulawayo Lass.

It was worrying for me as a full timer, as Comfort (AVIVA) are the only company to offer that cover. I have done as you suggested before reading tyour post and contacted Comfort by email to confirm my cover is as I befieve it should be.

Another point is that any communications with the insurance should be kept with your insurance booklet. Their words in the booklet, not mine. So it is best to get the information being sought in writing, so that there can be no confusion later.

He also warned that you should discuss needs properly witb the ins. company to clarify problem areas dont duck out or think you understand or assume l have the paperwork l can do whatever it could bite your bum afterward.

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Peter listened to the phone conversation l had with the sales lady, as lady had a family emergency and not in today.
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To me this sentence refers direct to full timers?? in a covert way

This sentence is also typical :- SALES LADY who is not there just now!! but remember it is on tape i was able to get them to find and listen to my conversation 7mths earlier that the SALES LADY didn't update on my records :mad:
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I only hold a full EUU driving license and a lot of insurers refused to give me insurance for the MH in the first place. Even AVIVA who covers two of my other cars refused! I have no points, no speeding fines etc.

UK insurance is a joke and quite a big one.
Hi Arthur

I have sent off an email myself to Comfort

I await their reply.


I recieved this reply from Comfort today

Thread on Forum

I think that if you read the thread in its entirety you will find that this particular individual has become confused between use and storage requirements. However, the rest of the thread should clarify the situation as it stands and there are no problems with the use to which you are putting your vehicle as indicated in your email.

I trust that this information is sufficient but if you do require further clarification please do not hesitate to contact us.

Comfort Insurance
Tel: 020 8984 0777
Web: Campervan Insurance, Motorcaravan Insurance & Motorhome Insurance
Address: Comfort House, 8 Goresbrook Road, Dagenham, Essex, RM9 6UR

I feel satisfied that I am covered for all the uses I put my Motor Home too.

I hope their answer also dispels fears that others may have had over the weekend.
I recieved this reply from Comfort today

I feel satisfied that I am covered for all the uses I put my Motor Home too.

I hope their answer also dispels fears that others may have had over the weekend.

I can take down the for sale sign off my motorhome now.

Motor caravan insurnace Parking cover?

I suspect that there is some confusion over the question of what constitutes parking! If you are traveling and stop overnight in the vehicle there is to my knowledge no exclusions with an Aviva policy. There are however several restrictions where the vehicle can be parked while not being used, you will need to refer your insurance policy booklet for the exclusions and the limitations of use on your insurance certificate. Aviva probably have the least exclusions and to my knowledge have not repudiated a claim when the policy holder or named driver was using the vehicle and parked at a motorway service area whilst traveling.
(Former Aviva claims engineer of 20+ years)
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Old Arthur it is nothing to do with full timers it is back to tell the correct details.
If you use your van for business and dont tell them have an accident ...
If you tell them it is kept in secured storage then decide to expensive keep it on the drive it gets nicked.....
If you say it has a cat 1 alarm and it is bust for last year you havent got it fixed...
lots of things apply
l know nothing other than what l have read about fulltiming so if you say you should have special ins. to fulltime and dont bother then dont be surprised if that is a problem if you have a problem.

The sales lady had a death of a close family member over the weekend so was off on compassionate leave. She had emailed Peter as soon as we finished speaking on the saturday (as she said she would when realising it was a can of worms) so he knew to sort it as soon as he came in he did by sensibly listening to the phone call. He rang me afterwards l did not need to contact them.

And yes not everyone is reliable like the lady in question at MHF insurance, CG didnt update my policy last year but l had it on tape that l had asked so the no claims has been carried on.

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