Deleted member 967
On another forum some one has posted
On Radio 4 (Money Program Saturday 10 March) someone moved house and when he telephoned his insurer to change his address details, he was told his new address was an uninsurable post code and that from the time he had moved, his car was uninsured. He said his car was parked on the road and it was law that it had to be insured. The insurer replied that the insurance was invalid and had been from the time he changed his address and he would have to pay a £30 cancellation fee.
He had technically been left uninsured.
If we wildcamp will we find ourselves left uninsured? There is nothing in my Comfort insurance booklet to say that the Motorhome can only be used on licenced sites. If we park on unsecured car parks are we left uninsured? If we stop in a layby are we ininsured? Are we covered on Aires?
I will keep an eye on the post and see what Monday brings.
MHF (and possibly Comfort as both are with AVIVA) DON'T cover wildcamping they will ONLY cover if it is on a secured registered site.
The person l spoke to will speak to the underwriter on Monday and let me know then but a heads up and if anyone had come across MHF or any other insurance.
This came up as they would cover me for work but l had to park at a secured site and not "the side of the road" even if l was sleeping in him. I said what happened if l was off touring and pulled over at a nice place to spend the night and was told they only cover secured sites & l wouldn't be covered.
They did seem to swop the words secured and registered so l assume they mean a cc or cl or equiv. site.
On Radio 4 (Money Program Saturday 10 March) someone moved house and when he telephoned his insurer to change his address details, he was told his new address was an uninsurable post code and that from the time he had moved, his car was uninsured. He said his car was parked on the road and it was law that it had to be insured. The insurer replied that the insurance was invalid and had been from the time he changed his address and he would have to pay a £30 cancellation fee.
He had technically been left uninsured.
If we wildcamp will we find ourselves left uninsured? There is nothing in my Comfort insurance booklet to say that the Motorhome can only be used on licenced sites. If we park on unsecured car parks are we left uninsured? If we stop in a layby are we ininsured? Are we covered on Aires?
I will keep an eye on the post and see what Monday brings.