Wow you can get anything at Tesco these days!



Wow you can get anything at Tesco these days!
I went to have a look without been logged on and one of those stupid annoying adverts popped up blocking half of the picture.
I must admit that I am getting completely fed up of the adverts and I don't want to be logged in all of the time.

Infact, I think I will hire the Assasin!
Hi Phil
Can you find out if they do club card points!!:lol-053:. Or maybe two for the price of one:scared:.
Bye for now
when you ring the number,someone calling himself blubbertramp or something answers
Too many windows open when messing with my financial thingy's
Don't log into anything while logged into financials

I use Comodo Dragon (a more secure version of Google Chrome) for general browsing and Firefox with Noscript for financials.

Mr B.
Don't use this guy.

I used him last year and had to go back and finish the job off myself. Blood everywhere!!
I saw this on Facebook yesterday. Looks like it is doing the viral rounds! I'm guessing the people who took the photo slipped it in not 10 seconds earlier, otherwise the manager's discretion may have been exercised ;)
Get your orders in early, he could be busy after Christmas when everyone's fallen out with the relatives. Saw this on FB yesterday too. Great though.

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