Would you park here


Full Member
On Cannock Chase they have signs on all layby's and car parks saying no overnight parking or camping.....
It's also well known for boy racers cruising around the area.

But on this one car park we parked at today (after last nights wild camp elsewhere) which is away from the main touristy areas and we think it is perfect for a wild camp in the summer, they don't have any of these signs, but they do have a large swing across the road gate with a big lock on it and a a couple of big signs saying "gates will be lock over night and release will only possible in the morning".

To us that sounds perfect for a spot to wild camp, we get there mid afternoon in the summer, walk, chill out, do food, chill out.... "oh dear we've been locked in".... overnight and leave mid morning the next day.

My question is.....
Would you (have you) stop over at such a car park where they would lock you in, (and keep out any drive by boy race's, couples and doggers etc?
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No in case hospital run required,i do carry long arm bolt cutters though and have used them once.
We have parked in locked area before, generally with owners permission such as Brit stop
NO NEVER, .......what happens if you have an emergency,,,ie hospital, doctor, called home....whatever.

also you can never be certain that the gates will be unlocked the next day....there is a carpark near me ..gated , gates locked overnight... info on time they are opened in morning....ive know them to be locked for a few days........

and its soda law that the phone signal will let you down when you need it most........be wary...
Most of the main club sites lock you in at night, and you pay upwards of £30 for the priviledge.
Personally no, not if the keyholder wasn't nearby, ice. Have used gated areas when it's pretty obvious that they don't lock even with the signs up, there's usually other places to park anyway, not bothered about a phone signal.
Aren't they likely to come and tell you to leave as they are about to lock the gate?
As far as emergencies are concerned in reality how often does a real emergency occur overnight in your life and what are the chances of one happening the few hours you would be behind a locked gate overnight.
As far as emergencies are concerned in reality how often does a real emergency occur overnight in your life and what are the chances of one happening the few hours you would be behind a locked gate overnight.

I do agree but am also well versed with Sod's Law haha

That is the reason I said if there was a phone signal I would though just in case :)
I am sure I spoke to someone who stopped at a national trust car park that said " this car park will be locked overnight". It was of course locked ( oops we intended to come back in time but got lost) and then opened in the morning, but I can't remember if there were any penalties. I would suggest that is a nice safe option.
Happened a while ago in the Forest of Dean. A contractor arrived around 9 in the evening and said he was about to lock the gate and open it in the morning, which was ok with us. Some places have a sign with a phone number to call if you want to get out - for which there is a charge.

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