Within 50k of Calais, please note ...


Full Member
... if you're travelling from, say Parc Astrix after closing 10pm and aim to get to Calais, say 2-3am for a wee hours Ferry, be aware ...

Don't bank on filling with Diesel of having an espresso or toilet stop. On the E15 North of Arras the Motorway Services are closed after midnight (migrant troubles) AND the Peage aires (no not our WC aires, no we know not to sleep there) are also FERME. We stopped at a closed service stop and while I was doing a Frenchman impression watering the woods a Gendarme car pulled up at the M/Home. Between Mrs Mul broken French and the Constables broken English we were told best move on sharpish as these areas are targeted by those who'd prefer Sausage & Eggs for Brekkie rather than Croissants.

On a separate note, I'll post separately but y'd be mad to fill up at the eye watering prices on the Peage, but sometimes needs must.

Chrz Mul.
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