Winter Motoring


Hi Guys,

this summer we purchased our first camper- it is a Talbot Express Highway man, 89 2.5 deisel. My question is - as the colder months set in we intend on continuing to use harold - however what should I do to prepare him for the winter months?

Hiya,Sean, apart from the obvious, Antifreeze/Windscreen washer additive and stocking up on De-icer and scrapers, you might want to consider draining the fresh water supply/hot water system during really cold snaps.
dont use your tanks as said, make shure you have plenty of gas for heating and cooking a good set of sleeping bags or high tog quilt and enjoy
propane is a must as calor freezes up and cary a spare bottle
an exterior window cover helps stop the inside of the windscreen misting up or freezing
and a pair of long johns
whilst parked at home a greenhouse heater with a frost setting is usefull for keeping damp at bay
propane is a must as calor freezes up

thinks he means use propane as BUTANE , usually in blue bottles, freezes up

propane is a must as calor freezes up

thinks he means use propane as BUTANE , usually in blue bottles, freezes up

never had a prob with the blue bottles freezing in uk as we dont really get deep frosts nowadays

we have had -23degees up here in scotland

brrrrr! It froze my diesel.:(


hi there. change your gas to propane, check your heater works well and consider fitting a gas detector. pack plenty of extra bedding, should you run out of gas. get your battery checked (free) because it's the cold that shows up any failings. buy some skipping ropes............great way of keeping warm and fit !!
you forgot the whiskey :D:D ps i keep mine in a hot water bottle
we have had -23degees up here in scotland

brrrrr! It froze my diesel.:(


a bit chilly that i dont know about the diesel but nuts and brass monkeys come to mind .

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