Will somebody please ring the French Embassy...


... and tell them the war is over and they can put the road signs back that are missing and point those that aren't in the correct direction. I'm really getting nostalgic for motorway delays, cold rain and unlimited internet access without having to find Mc Donalds, on which subject can somebody please explain why McDonalds is signposted 20k and 10k ahead, but when you reach the town the signs disappear? I've just been looking at prices from Cherbourg to Poole, to save me driving 400 miles to Calais, then driving from Dover to Dorset when we go back, but it's just wishful thinking as I've got another 3 weeks yet.

It's not all bad though and we spent last night on the car park overlooking the Mulberry harbour. Not sure about tonight as tomorrow is head for Mont St Michel and into Brittany day...
Thanks for that...

Unfortunately I'm not carrying a satnav:)
It's not all bad though and we spent last night on the car park overlooking the Mulberry harbour. Not sure about tonight as tomorrow is head for Mont St Michel and into Brittany day...[/QUOTE]

We love the Aire over looking the Mulberry harbour. Although the guy that takes the money is a bit of a pain. He knocks you up at ten to nine, demanding a days parking fee if you haven't gone by nine!

We love Mont St Michel even more, fabulous place, especially at dusk when the lights start to go on.

You are making us feel we need a holiday now! But we're not going over until September.

I love it most when you are travelling across France in the middle of nowhere and suddenly without any warning at all you reach a crossroads with a sign that says 'Route Barree'. Wonderful. And so, very helpfully, there is a bit more information 'Deviation' with a little arrow. But of course you can see from the normal signpost that this other route is nowhere near your destination. Hmm, so you obligingly follow said 'Deviation' for many miles, across little narrow lanes and farm tracks and, yes, you eventually see another sign for your destination which tells you it is slightly further than from where you originally started.

These big yellow 'Route Barree' signs seem to pop up with no advanced notice, placed by anyone who thinks it might be a good idea, so we just comply, being Brits.

BUT, ..... eventually you learn the French way ...... that is to say you ignore the sign completely. Go straight over the crossroads, just as you planned or were advised by tomtom or Mr Garmin .... Just like all those other (French) drivers in fact.

So what happens next? I can hear you thinking. Well you get to the next town or village where you find the reason for the sign: a bit of road resurfacing, speed bumps being laid, grass cutting on the verge, sand being bulldozed off the seafront or something similar. And there you find a little man with a red/green lollipop who lets you go through.

Et Voila ! Vous avez 'cracked' ze systeme a la France!
I phoned them for you matey but I got a call centre in Bomcutta and couldn't understand a thing Claude was saying. I think he was going on about roast beef, When I said 'no McDonalds', he hung up!! .... Sorry

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