Wilding in Hospital Carpark in Liverpool


Probably the safest place in the centre of Liverpool!!

Came yesterday early AM as our daughter had gone into labour, so parked in corner of carpark.

She's still in labour now 42 hrs later (quietened down after 6 hrs!!) but in latter stages.

Anyway, lovely quiet spot, can get the free internet the hospital provides to the rest area (using high gain antenna)

Good job we've got a good larder and full gas & enough water.

Security think it's great, had a cuppa while on patrol (had to make sure we weren't Gypsies!!)

Been taking it in turns to sleep and hand hold.

Never thought of hospitals being a place for broadband and all for £2 per day!!
Trouble is it's £2 per hour down our way, even if you're in for a heart attack!

Hope alls well with your daughter, will he/she/they be your first?
don't forget pics if mum allows, awaiting to hear the good news of ickle feet.
on the parking front down our way and you'd have to sell the van to pay for the parking charges
don't forget pics if mum allows, awaiting to hear the good news of ickle feet.
on the parking front down our way and you'd have to sell the van to pay for the parking charges

I'm outraged at the cost, back home in Wales parking is free, but realy, £2 per day isn't bad esp as they provide internet connection, not the fastest, but it's free.

Between us this is No 6 grandchild, a girl, that will make it 4 girls 2 boys, the other daughter loves kids, but at the moment doesn't want her own, esp if it hurts!!!! might consider adotion, we'll see??
think idid post on here about wild camping in hospital someone was late for appoinment anyway that another story wish you all the best hope all goes well with mother and child

ps fortgot dad,grans and gramps
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49hrs later the effort was worth it. Baby Maddison born 6AM 6lb12oz mother & daughter OK

Grandparents knackered, had to drive second daughter to work for 9 in N Wales, drove the old girl much faster than usual, think the exercise will clean any residues out!!

Apart from the dreadful wind and torrential rain in night, had a great time there, clean toilets, cafe if needed, but best of all FREE INTERNET!!

Back over there to collect my wife and grandad.......................

Thanks for all the best wishes etc
Congratulations on becoming a grandad yet again (I have a long way to go to catch up, having a mere two!) but if there is ever a seventh on the horizon, arrange for it to be born in Spain - the hospital car parks there are free! ;)
congratulations :bow:
we have 9 grandbairns and 3 great grandbairns:scared: thank you god for the motorhome and weekends
Congratulations on becoming a grandad yet again (I have a long way to go to catch up, having a mere two!) but if there is ever a seventh on the horizon, arrange for it to be born in Spain - the hospital car parks there are free! ;)

And the weather is usually better, last night winds gusting to 49mph and torrential rain
I'm outraged at the cost, back home in Wales parking is free, but realy, £2 per day isn't bad esp as they provide internet connection, not the fastest, but it's free.

Between us this is No 6 grandchild, a girl, that will make it 4 girls 2 boys, the other daughter loves kids, but at the moment doesn't want her own, esp if it hurts!!!! might consider adotion, we'll see??

Everything in wales is free. Hospital parking, Prescriptions, wheelchairs, mobility aids. All subsidised bt the ENGLISH Tax Payer.:danger::lol-053:
The "English" Tax payer living in Wales and the "Welsh" Tax payer living in England

I think by memory we get less per head of population in Wales than the equivalent in England, just depends on how it's spent by the relevant government.

Why £2 per day in Liverpool and £2 per hour in other parts, both in England??

PS I'm English and can see irregularities and differences on both sides of the border.

Great idea to take the camper with you..:sleep-027:
Thanks to all

Had a great sleep last night!!

I know every Parent/Grandparent feel that their's is the most gorgeous, but she is worth the effort.

Thanks to all

Had a great sleep last night!!

I know every Parent/Grandparent feel that their's is the most gorgeous, but she is worth the effort.

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Hi Bigpeetee

I am very pleased for you. Both for having another gorgeous granddaughter and for finding a parking space at your local hospital. I never can and I work at mine:D

Hi Bigpeetee

I am very pleased for you. Both for having another gorgeous granddaughter and for finding a parking space at your local hospital. I never can and I work at mine:D


Arrive at night and claim the space, possession is 9/10 of the law!! Did use the overflow carpark.
I'm outraged at the cost, back home in Wales parking is free, but realy, £2 per day isn't bad esp as they provide internet connection, not the fastest, but it's free.

Between us this is No 6 grandchild, a girl, that will make it 4 girls 2 boys, the other daughter loves kids, but at the moment doesn't want her own, esp if it hurts!!!! might consider adotion, we'll see??

Correction - back home in Wales it's up to the individual hospital to decide. The ones immediately round us charge still except for the biggest one, where they would make the most money, in Cardiff.

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