Wildcamping OK for the Olympics


Radio 4 carried a short piece on a German Motorhomer who wants to park near the Olympic swimming venue where his daughter is competing. A triumph of marketing over anti-motorhome prejudice:(

Listen from 37:05 here
Well if he does get somewhere for free then I hope he offers at least something in return.

To who? For what? Why should he?

Musicians stay in their tour buses at the rear of concert venues. What's the difference?
Because in the interview people had offered him space for free (including a vicar or something). No mention of 'at the rear of the venue' or similar.

Oh sorry, I haven't listened to the interview. I just read the post.
Apparently his daughter is in the German swimming team, but he has been unable to get any tickets for the event so he wants to come over and see her during the Olympics!
Well if he does get somewhere for free then I hope he offers at least something in return.
Seems that you may not have had the pleasure of using German Stelplatz, most free very well kept, often free Electric too, why should the German not expect the same treatment in England on his visit, if I lived closer to London he would be most welcome to park n my driveway for the duration or I would even host him in my home .I have had excellent hospitality in Germany in the past.
Great that he's sorted somewhere (I guess) to stay and from what I know of Germans in general he will probably be more than generous to his host, but what a bloody shame that he can't get tickets to see his own daughter compete. You would think that even if the athletes didn't get a couple of free tickets they would at least get a priority option on purchasing them.
Great that he's sorted somewhere (I guess) to stay and from what I know of Germans in general he will probably be more than generous to his host, but what a bloody shame that he can't get tickets to see his own daughter compete. You would think that even if the athletes didn't get a couple of free tickets they would at least get a priority option on purchasing them.

I quite agree with everything you say, but as in all the important events, most of the tickets have gone to the so-called Great & the Good, the freeloaders or as Will Carling called them "Old Farts". I was just about to enter my description of them, but decided against it as I'd probably get slung off the forum.
I know it's frustrating when a lot of tickets go to sponsors and the like, but without them the games wouldn't stack up financially in the first place. Many of those people are dipping into their admittedly deep pockets to subsidise stuff.

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