wild camping


Hi Everyone. :lol:
I have not posted before being quite reticent. I read this and other forums and have been known to add my two pennyworth to the odd one. It always strikes me that there are a hard core of posters who must spend hours at their PC to fill-up so many forums which give me entertaining reading.
My point is: there haven't been any new wild camping site listed for ages.
I wonder why? I'm as guilty as anyone as I haven't listed any of mine either, so my new years resolution is to write down the ones I know, once I can remember their proper locations. The poor old memory isn't what it was! :(
There is one just outside Southwell in Nottinghamshire opposite the agricultural college. Its a layby next to what was a CL which closed. I will post it in the right place once I get the full details.
Happy camping for the coming year.

I would just like to say that without going through all the post there was 1 by Double Decker 4/3/ and 1 by myself on 5/3, and 1 by jann on 5/3 thats 3 I can see straight way, also not everyone has there vans on the road all year round.

:D Hi rogerangie. I too have failed to post any NEW Wild Camping spots. Although I am a Full-Timer and a Wild-Camper. I very rarely Wild-Camp in the UK. I have camped at the one on the way out of Bridlington that has already been posted. Been stopping there for over 25 years. Other than that I have only ever stayed parked outside our house which we rent out to family. The only Wild spots I know are in Spain, now all gone, and in France, everywhere on the Aires there. There is also a spot near our friends houses in Holland and Germany. They are a bit out of the way and not much use to anyone. Unless they were desperate. :(

B) I promise if I come across any in the UK, I will post them on Wild Camping. ;)
hello, i would post some new sites if i could work out how the hell to do it. looking at the sites list i see none in Fife. there are many beaut. &wild spots but still only short distances from main road systems
.trying to get info. on posting then i'll pass on the locations, irene
Irenerobbie,log in and go to section for Fife,then click on tab for ADD NEW TOPIC.When finished click on submit.The entry will submit
thanks stevek for help. i've tried it. just waiting to see where the post turns up. irene
Irene,it,s posted.Keep posting.It,s an area I,ve often thought of touring but I usually make the use of time available by heading north.
Due to high costs of fuel i've discovered loads of fun and wild places to overnight close to home and not end up spending loads for a weekend.We've even got a stunning c.l. site only ten mins walk from were i live and i spent 4days there last summer. it did confuse the neighbours when i returned home without the van , for a quick shower after day 2. so i've discovered many new places in my neck of the woods by acting like a visitor and looking at places with the dedicated c.vaners eye for a free nights accomodation. so look out for many more fife sites

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