any wild camping spots i find i wont be posting them on here.just in case we get over run with vans. it was pointed out that we could get maybe up to 50 vans turning up in a night.
te besure pony .. we wouldn't want you postin sites over here...
begorrah..bejazzus... we could end up with a social gathering
i dont mean new age irish travellers.
Do you mean gypsies Oh, I forgot it's not PC to call them that anymore, must refer to 'em by their proper title. Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers. As this is a bit long it is acceptable to use the acronym
no i dont mean gypsies or tinkers i mean folk like ourselfs such as you & me.
That is the trouble with an open forum. there are always more guests (leeches) than members logged in at anyone time. I must admit to not sharing all my favorite sleepy spots as do others I am sure.
I found some nice spots in Ireland not mentioned on the list. Anyone been to Barley Lake?
heard of it but not been there, nice place is barley cove.