Wild camping Portugal.


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Great Wild Camping spot, a 1.5 mile track to get here though.
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Sagres Beach,Portugal, great for Surfers, super walking over Cliffs, water and toilet dump available.
This picture was supposed to be with the first post, sorry, just trying to get the hang of this, The beach is a great place to wild camp, no services here but a LIDL in the Village and a super Fuente nearby with an ancient wash house with super clear potable water.
This picture was supposed to be with the first post, sorry, just trying to get the hang of this, The beach is a great place to wild camp, no services here but a LIDL in the Village and a super Fuente nearby with an ancient wash house with super clear potable water.

Great pictures and also great spots. Sagres is one of my yes, yes spots.
I remember the Barranco spot - stayed there for three days. Paradise with entertainment provided by a pair of black storks! But are you sure it's only a mile and a half dirt track to get there? It felt a lot further!
There now

Currently parked at the left hand squat in vindiboy's picture "Sagres and beach and two squats". It is an absolute delight. Hoping to get a code later for the WIFI emanating from the large restaurant to the right of the squat. Then won't have to come to the pub to get online. Mind you at two euroids a pint whose complaining?
Big bus

Hi Vindiboy. You seem to know your stuff and I wondered if you could offer some advice. I am planning on running a kitesurf tour down the west coast of Portugal for no more than 10 people. I obviously wanted to keep costs down and wondered whether you think it would be ok to wild camp in a bus with this amount of people. We would be moving from beach to beach so would only be staying in any area for one night, but we would need to put awnings and bbq etc out and I have heard the authorities can get funny about this? I'd be grateful for any thoughts you can offer.

Many thanks
Hi, the bus with 10 people would be no problem, the awning and Barbi would be, Portugal allows you to PARK almost anywhere for a few nights stop over, but as soon as you get chairs ,tables, barbis awnings etc out you are CAMPING and that is not allowed, there are many isolated beaches you could visit and the surfing is great ,some you may get away with camping but you stand a good chance of getting moved on along with anyone else who is unfortunate enough to be near you when you do,Camp sites are very cheap in Portugal especially if you use basic sites, so you could use a nearby site and move to the beaches during the day when you can use a Barbi with no problems.
hi malc you sure theres only one way in .Morocco 2008-2009 3 528.jpgMorocco 2008-2009 3 529.jpgthink you may find there is a very narroe track to the left hand side of beach . goes on round the cliffs . no surf there though.
For ten years now we have been going to Portugal for 4 months and never used a campsite but we always go inland to the lakes. We just got fed up with being moved on from the beach last year we went to the beach in Porter Nova for 6 days and had no problem but had to move of at night and come back in the morning, I cant see you having any problems with a bus load but with that many i think you will have to go on a campsite to empty wast and fill with water or find one of the service centers that are being built now,
safe travel,:goodluck:
Hi Alan hope you are well, I think we are at crossed purposes here, I think there is only one way in to Praia de Barrannco, your pictures seem to be of another beach, the one where the ruined building is and is currently being investigated as a Roman Dig .
you may be right .i remember going around a very small coastal track through a forest .you know what its like . i know some one old us we couldnt get through but we did . we did miles along this track came out back from the sea . could be mistaken .mind getting forgetfull.seem to remember over looking that beach then having to go inland to get down to it .
not to worry. lots of places can take a bus . but like you the awning and bbq could be the stumbling block. think they really need to be up the west coast near tocha up above figueira da foz some great places in the forest there.on the dunas de cantenSpain and Portugal 09 - 10 440.jpgSpain and Portugal 09 - 10 441.jpgheda.a couple on the beach north of praia de tocha .we call it the unnamed beach as on the cepsa map its not named .but fantastic place would be ideal for kite surfing . miles of silver sand . open sea . forest for cones etc to burn . one of my favourites.
the west cost is lovely .
you may be right .i remember going around a very small coastal track through a forest .you know what its like . i know some one old us we couldnt get through but we did . we did miles along this track came out back from the sea . could be mistaken .mind getting forgetfull.seem to remember over looking that beach then having to go inland to get down to it .
not to worry. lots of places can take a bus . but like you the awning and bbq could be the stumbling block. think they really need to be up the west coast near tocha up above figueira da foz some great places in the forest there.on the dunas de cantenView attachment 5425View attachment 5426heda.a couple on the beach north of praia de tocha .we call it the unnamed beach as on the cepsa map its not named .but fantastic place would be ideal for kite surfing . miles of silver sand . open sea . forest for cones etc to burn . one of my favourites.
the west cost is lovely .
Hi again Alan, just been looking back over some pictures and found that your pictures are of Boca De Ria, not far from Barrannco though, great area and it is all in the National Park ,
yes now you have said it it was . just got them mixed up. must be getting old.
it was there we had a phone call to say my dad had died . might be thats why my brain is mixed up . we had to dash back.
thanks for checking though . see you soon .
boca de rio,we found it coming over the top on the coast road.typical portugese road,which we were used to,where one local council has cash for the roads and they're in good nick,then you hit the council border and its suddenly dirt track.in this case just as we drove past the old fort the tarmac stopped and there was a 12 inch drop to the worst bit of road i ever saw there and thats bad.great beach though,even with the naked germans playing frisbee all round you,mostly men unfortunately
sounds like the same road we were on . mind there are a few like it . thats what makes the adventure. there is a beach with a restaurant and big carpark along there as well if i think correct. and some posh houses in the forest. great fun. . bit like it up near tocha . loads of tracks mainly not mapped just follow the sea. thats my kind of travel. even then you do it a few years later and find new places you cant remember or somehow missed before. i like galecia as well some great places there around the coast.

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