Wild Camping parity


Full Member
Is wild camping permisible in Europe and Scotland by law or tolerance. If by law surely we should be fighting for equal rights. After all every other facet of our lives is determined by the EU. It should not be a one way thing. Any barrack room lawyers out there?
Is wild camping permisible in Europe and Scotland by law or tolerance. If by law surely we should be fighting for equal rights. After all every other facet of our lives is determined by the EU. It should not be a one way thing. Any barrack room lawyers out there?

In Europe the law varies from country to country. In Scotland the Land Reform Act, which gives access right for wild camping on some land, specifically excludes 'being on or crossing land in or with a motorised vehicle'.

Sad but true

Hi, I'm not quite shore about this but at one time you were more or less aloud to stop where you wanted too, the law was changed because of the new aged travelers who screwed it up for every body, they left all there rubbish behind them and made a mess of our countryside, the government was forced by public opinion change the law,so you know who to blame. Sad but true Bob
Yes, the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act was brought in on the back of the problems caused by (some) new age travellers. It criminalised many activities which were formerly civil offences, introduced new prohibitions and gave the police extensive new powers.

Is wild camping permisible in Europe and Scotland by law or tolerance. If by law surely we should be fighting for equal rights. After all every other facet of our lives is determined by the EU. It should not be a one way thing. Any barrack room lawyers out there?

we should be fighting but how
it would be nice to have a spokes person for all us wild campers. but as we are not a reconised club with vast funds i dowbt if we would be listend to
most of us like our independance and as much free parking as possible

if someone were to start a club for us would that not take away some of the freedom we so enjoy
or we could even end up with some twerp like david belamy as a spokesperson
god help us all

As much as I share your frustrations on this subject, I would never make a spokesperson:mad::(, I can't:( even convince the wife:eek:(Christine) that wildcamping is the way forward:eek::D
we should be fighting but how
it would be nice to have a spokes person for all us wild campers. but as we are not a reconised club with vast funds i dowbt if we would be listend to
most of us like our independance and as much free parking as possible

if someone were to start a club for us would that not take away some of the freedom we so enjoy
or we could even end up with some twerp like david belamy as a spokesperson
god help us all

surely as members of this site we do constitute a"CLUB" and as such should have a voice that is recognised as carrying some weight. There do appear to be a few very astute people out there who are well up on various aspects of the Law.:rolleyes:
Yes, the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act was brought in on the back of the problems caused by (some) new age travellers. It criminalised many activities which were formerly civil offences, introduced new prohibitions and gave the police extensive new powers.


Its worth reading what Alan Lodge documented at the time.
The Police were totally out of control and subsequent claims are still rumbling on even now


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