Wild Camping in Spain looking for information


Hi there we are still travelling in Spain and are planning to start our journey home very soon we are around Malaga and we will be coming up from Granada to Cordoba then plan to head through Madrid does anyone know where we can park at Cordoba and either side of Madrid. We would welcome any help and suggestions.

Come out of madrid on the n11 (2) and head past guadalajara. You can stop at a rest area at km103 which offers good food and parking. Also km 107
however i would go to medinaceli which is at about km150 and turn off at the n111 direction soria. You can either overnight at medinaceli with a good hotel type rersatraunt (plenty of parking across the rd) or proceed to almazan. On entering almazan there is a garage andan excellent restaraunt on the right. You can eat and o/night here. Alternativley, go through the town direction again soria and drive over the small river bridge (it has a wavey footpath) and there is then a swimming pool on the right. You could park here.
To come north from here do not go via soria but take the c101 to almenar and agreda, this is a short cut on a very good rd. This goes to pampalona with a few more suitable overnight locations on route.

This is a much better, quieter, safer and nicer route than the n1.

You can also o/n on this route at almenar, agreda, valverde, cintruenigo, pampalona and also if you go up to the top of the mountain between pampaolna & irun
and just as quick
hope this helps

If you do go up the n1,make sure you get about 50 km north before thinking of safe parking. Go past el molar before stopping.

thank you very much for this info.
Just arrived back this weekend. We ended up travelling back a different route but will keep this for next time.

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