Wifi for thicko's


Full Member
Is there a guide on here for those with limited brain power to use in van wifi ? If not, why not ? Ok, I might not understand, somebody might. Then I could contact them to ask what you meant. I'm beginning to wish I had never started this post............

No, there must be a wifi system for numpties, gis a clue. Dadad
Well from one Numpty to another, Wi Fi use in the van is the same as using Wi Fi at home realy, the trick is getting it in the van ? must be lots of ways , free hot spots etc I used to use a 3 Dongle [ a little device that one plugged into the computer ] which gave me 3 gig of data use,per month enough for the odd E Mail but not much more ,[buy top ups as required on line ] very expensive way I thought. whatever way one goes I guess it going to be expensive , my phone has a small amount of data included in my package , but as I rarely bother with the internet or phone whilst on my travels it is ok, a few texts now and again works for me, we are beginning to believe that we cannot live without Internet connection, not true we can survive very well without it, I realise some are addicted to it, hard luck on them I say, each to their own Hee Hee.:lol-053::lol-053::wave:
Wi-fi or Simcard ?

Wi-Fi is of limited range and some campsites include wi-fi in their price and have multiple access points throughout the campsite.

You can get a good wi-fi aerial booster but it is no good if a password is needed.

Most people use a smartphone or a Mi-Fi device
Both these use a simcard and use the mobile telephone network (3G now some 4G ..4G is just faster)
Both the smartphone and mi-fi devices
a) use a simcard
b) create a local wi-fi signal for your use (Please password protect it)
In essence they are the same and you will need a simcard from Three or O2 or Vodaphone or EE or GiffGaff or Tesco Or.......

I choose Giff-Gaff it relies on the O2 network but I like their pricing plans

Pm me with details of your phone (ie is it smart how many simcards can it use) for more detailed info
If you choose to go with a different network you will want to keep your number

My phone is smart with 2 sim cards and It acts as a wi-fi access point
So my tablet and laptop connect to my phone
I use vodaphone to receive call as my contacts know that number
I put £20 on vodaphone about every 4 months
I use Giff-Gaff for data (internet and email) and to make calls and send texts
I use the £10 or £12 or £15 "goodybag" offer each month
Given why you say it maybe that £10 is enough 4U
As Jagmanx said, the first question is whether you're looking for a good way to tap free wifi signals or plan on getting online in the van with a sim. There are some amazing bits of kit out there to pick up free wifi from a greater distance if you want to go that route but I think most people find it easier to go down the route of using the mobile data on a sim.

I've got a few ways to get online. First, I can connect with my phone and can then share that connection as a wifi hotspot for other devices. However, my data allowance is only 1GB a month, so I tend not to do that for general internet browsing. I've also got a cheap sim in my ipad but again with limited data, which is fine for when I'm out and about at home but not enough for trips away in the van. Mostly for camping, I prefer to use a mi-fi unit, like this one...

HUAWEI E5330 White 3G SIM Free Mobile WiFi UK: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics

This one is unlocked, which means you can put a sim in there from any mobile network... there are lots on offer - just look for a 'data sim' because you don't want or need phone calls or texts on it. Once this mi-fi unit is connected to the internet, it sends out a wifi signal, so you can share the connection with up to 5 devices at a time. This is especially good if there are 2 of you and you have separate phones or tablets, laptops etc. My husband and I used to connect both phones, both tablets and a laptop to ours :) I've found this is petty much all I've ever needed.

As for the sim... a lot of people buy the Trio sim from 3 that has 12GB of data on it that won't expire for a year, so you've got plenty of time to use it up. Lots of sims are monthly deals... use it within a month or lose it! It's up to what would suit you best as to what sim you go for. I've found pretty good coverage around the country, so I manage to get connected more often than not... plus you can use this sim abroad without incurring extra roaming charges.

OK, so once you've chosen a sim from a mobile company, now you might worry that the signal for that company isn't particularly good where you are. This is why some people buy an antenna/aerial to help get a better reception from a mobile mast (not the same thing as the wifi aerial I mentioned earlier). If you think you want to go down this route, you'll need a mi-fi unit that has a socket for you to plug an aerial into. Huawei do these too but they cost more to buy than the one I linked to.

Hope this is enlightening rather than confusing!! :rolleyes2:
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As in the previous post there are 2 types of "Aerials/range extenders

I have a wi-fi booster which simply plugs into a laptop USB port and allows you to see many wi-fi access points
BUT without a password not a great help BUT for £15 it is worth having but it is only good for said laptop,
However I know that in France it will connect to a wi-fi access point almost everywhere
( this is where it gets confusing as the access points must be part of the Mobile telephone network)
but for £30 for 1 month you get UNLIMILTED data

Lots of free wi-fi available in McDonalds Coffee shops and tourist offices

My smartphone or my Mi-Fi seems not to need a booster for 3G connections
Sometimes I have no signal so maybe I should get a booster(3G) but I seem to manage perfectly well without
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Wifi Mifi Ifly

Thanks all. I'm putting all of these suggestions into my options box. It seems I keep it simple, and keep in touch with the family by text or e mail, or, get to like the taste of Mcdonalds coffee. I know I'll have to sort something out for 2019 when I start getting away for a month or more, My 7 year old Granddaughter will give me the full SP on that. If not, her Dad will have to draw me pictures. This year, as I'm still working, the smart phone will have to do. I've never used Skype, so I'll probably not miss it. Dadad
The app
WiFi map pro identifies locked WiFi signals near you and people upload the passwords. Not perfect, but worth £5 for the pro version.
Sometimes I have no signal so maybe I should get a booster(3G) but I seem to manage perfectly well without

In my experience no signal usually means no signal, however if you have a weak signal then a booster may be of some use. Just my opinion, I may be wrong but I can't see how you can boost a signal that isn't there to start with :)

In my experience no signal usually means no signal, however if you have a weak signal then a booster may be of some use. Just my opinion, I may be wrong but I can't see how you can boost a signal that isn't there to start with :)
That's often the case with phones, although they do show a different number of bars to indicate poor signal strength, but there's not much you can do to help it along. With the mifi unit, signal strength is indicated by lights from red through to green for a strong signal. If it's on yellow or orange the internet is painfully slow but if I move it around or prop it up high in the Heki, I can often get a green light. The signal booster would come in handy for this. Obviously if there's no signal at all, nothing will help.
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Smartphone and Moore

Thanks all. I'm putting all of these suggestions into my options box. It seems I keep it simple, and keep in touch with the family by text or e mail, or, get to like the taste of Mcdonalds coffee. I know I'll have to sort something out for 2019 when I start getting away for a month or more, My 7 year old Granddaughter will give me the full SP on that. If not, her Dad will have to draw me pictures. This year, as I'm still working, the smart phone will have to do. I've never used Skype, so I'll probably not miss it. Dadad

Will do nearly everything but screen often a bit small

Check your smartphone will act as a Mi-Fi (wireless access point / Wi-fi transmitter) ... as you say your family will help.

I like a laptop as
1) I use a spreadsheet a lot
2) 1 move video from my dashcam to a hard disk
If you do not need these last 2 features then I would recommend a 7in or 10in Tablet just for screensize.
My choice is Samsung tab10 but there are others such as Kindle fire and more (or should I say Demi Moore)

In my experience no signal usually means no signal, however if you have a weak signal then a booster may be of some use. Just my opinion, I may be wrong but I can't see how you can boost a signal that isn't there to start with :)


Hi Del, the signals are there ...but not always attainable by a device on its own. When I plug the booster in there's always more networks to choose from. Some campsites abroad we've been on only have free wifi at reception or in the bar...on a number of occasions the booster has enabled us to login from a pitch that normally you couldn't. £15 well spent so far !! Maja
Using McD

I've been watching " World Towning " on you tube, Good storyline, nice people, and I hesitate to say it, great kids. But that's bye the bye, in one episode, leaving Slovakia or arriving in Italy, all four are in a restaurant on 'putors, Mum, Dad working, kids home schooling. As they say in the video, stay away from peak times and always add a hash tag for the restaurant. If it works for them, it could be an idea for me (us?) in the future. Stay well, Derek
Hi Del, the signals are there ...but not always attainable by a device on its own. When I plug the booster in there's always more networks to choose from. Some campsites abroad we've been on only have free wifi at reception or in the bar...on a number of occasions the booster has enabled us to login from a pitch that normally you couldn't. £15 well spent so far !! Maja

Hi Del ????? You'll be adding Boy to that next time. I'm known as Trotter by a couple of wags at work. I think Trotter is about as far down that road as I want to go. I'm not an Independent Trader, last time I looked, Demi had four wheels, and, here is the BIG one, I'm from NORF of the river, Peckham indeed, humph. Only moved to Northampton 'cos it had Norf in the name. Probably the only redeeming feature of the whole town, it must be the unfriendliest place in the UK. Sorry if I've upset the locals, but you have to speak as you find. Dadad

Hi Del, the signals are there ...but not always attainable by a device on its own. When I plug the booster in there's always more networks to choose from. Some campsites abroad we've been on only have free wifi at reception or in the bar...on a number of occasions the booster has enabled us to login from a pitch that normally you couldn't. £15 well spent so far !! Maja

The Wi-fi booster works well But I have to use mine with my laptop
a) for Power
b) to see and choose and try to logon
BTfon works but as I only use MoHo for 6 months too expensive
However if you are with BT it is free and the £15 a month is an OK price but works out at £30 for us
Hi Del, the signals are there ...but not always attainable by a device on its own. When I plug the booster in there's always more networks to choose from. Some campsites abroad we've been on only have free wifi at reception or in the bar...on a number of occasions the booster has enabled us to login from a pitch that normally you couldn't. £15 well spent so far !! Maja

I can understand that scenario, but I was refereing mobile signal rather than wifi, I have built my own wifi kit based off the motorhome wifi one and it does find a stronger signal than the laptop and phone most of the time but I've never really found anymore "available" networks than the laptop, not with a usable strength that is.

I have been using Wifi Antennas for years. I had the original Swiss Repeat it external USB antenna which was superb and now the Motorhome Wifi iBoost which is better as it has a router so all devices in the van connect wirelessly. Both certainly picked up signals that were not even visible on the laptop or phones wifi sometimes from a mile or more distant. Line of sight makes a huge difference and ive picked up stuff from four or five miles away in the Alps or across water. That said they are a faff. Well the directional ones more so and I use Inssider and a few other tuning tricks to track the signal and it can be a right carry on.

The new Mifi boxes are probably a lot easier but I would suggest to the OP Dadad that now that roaming rates have been abolished (For now at least) if you have a decent smart phone you can probably just surf away and do most stuff on that. I found last year thats mainly what I did and if I couldnt get on wifi and needed to use the laptop I just tethered my phone to the laptop and got online with that. I am with Vodafone and they allow Tethering. Your data usage goes up dramatically though on a laptop rather than a small phone so I used it sparingly. I have 4gb a month to use in Europe which I could never use on the phone itself but connected to a laptop I could easily.
Hi Del ????? You'll be adding Boy to that next time. I'm known as Trotter by a couple of wags at work. I think Trotter is about as far down that road as I want to go. I'm not an Independent Trader, last time I looked, Demi had four wheels, and, here is the BIG one, I'm from NORF of the river, Peckham indeed, humph. Only moved to Northampton 'cos it had Norf in the name. Probably the only redeeming feature of the whole town, it must be the unfriendliest place in the UK. Sorry if I've upset the locals, but you have to speak as you find. Dadad

Eh ?? "alwaysared" is called "Del" ....how he signed off his post....hence how I commenced my reply to him. Not sure what the Del Boy reply is about, or its relevance Dadad LOL 😂 Maja

I can understand that scenario, but I was refereing mobile signal rather than wifi, I have built my own wifi kit based off the motorhome wifi one and it does find a stronger signal than the laptop and phone most of the time but I've never really found anymore "available" networks than the laptop, not with a usable strength that is.


Del, ah yes...as ever with these threads 3g/4g and wifi are talked about at the same time....my mistake, just looked back and see you referring to mobile signal...you put 3g in brackets !! Personally I never seem to be without 3g/4g on my mifi box ...just need to put it high up in the moho skylight sometimes !! Some would say that's coz I don't go anywhere very exciting. LOL �� Maja. So, yes...it's all about how you access internet from van...3g/4g via sim in a router that then acts as a wifi hotspot to which you connect your various devices....or connect them to accessible wifi directly. Two methods...I use both.....Maja
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I bought a data only contract router and SIM from three as our home in Suffolk has no phone line. Not cheap at £23 month but 40gb data month and go binge which gives Netflix data without it coming out of the allowance. But the useful bit is that I can use the SIM for my huawei mifi when in the van so the months we are away, I am not paying for a contract and not using it. Can be used in Europe too .

The Wi-fi booster works well But I have to use mine with my laptop
a) for Power
b) to see and choose and try to logon
BTfon works but as I only use MoHo for 6 months too expensive
However if you are with BT it is free and the £15 a month is an OK price but works out at £30 for us

Phil, I too use booster with laptop.....that's the whole idea !! It's powered by the USB feed, there's an amplifier in antenna, the boosted signal goes to laptop (via USB) from where you use its hotspot to connect to all your devices (which ordinarily would not find wifi) .... err I think !!! Well, that's how I use it !!

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