Who did this ?


Full Member
I don’t think I have ever cleaned as many pairs of shoes as I did in Bob a job week

One of the unusual jobs I did was to get sticks from a hedge to support runner beans in a garden.

We had no garden so I had no idea what sort of sticks were required.
Come to think of it I didn't know what a runner bean was either.

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I was in The 5th Pudsey Air Scouts.
The SAS of the Scouting Movement.
We wore red berets.
An old lady asked me to go to the local shop and asked me to to get 20 Players Weights..
She gave me a half Crown.
Being a trainee entrepreneur, I Gave the Bob to the scouts and wasted the remaining 7d on fish and chips.
Kin ell, where from so we avoid it.

For the life of me I can't remember who mentioned this or where it was (blummin' senility!), but it was definitely from someone we know during a recent conversation this year... not London or the South East, have a vague recollection it might possibly have been one of the coastal tourist hotspots somewhere in the UK?

Anyway, you'll know it if you see it - having said that I've noticed one or two eating establishments around here lately that don't have the price of their meals etc. showing in a prominent place, or even showing at all... I always thought that was forbidden by Trading Standards? Although maybe that's just another element of recent life that's been allowed to slide down the toilet ... ;)🙃 😜
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