Where's the best country in the world for wild camping?


I'm plumping for central Bolivia (east of the Altiplano). Few rules and regulations, friendly farmers and police. People mind their own business. The place hasn't gone mad by political correctness and health and safety. Shame you're only allowed 90 days a year here. Next stop, Paraguay lifewithglee.com.
New Zealand, they have loads of Freedom Camps often with a toilet and water. There are also Department of Conservation camps some are free also.
I would guess Canada, and as a state, Alaska. The wild west
where a man is born free and stays free, well so they say!

Not so much NZ these days it's getting more and more
regulated and 'organised' these days.
Northern Canada & Alaska Boarder ! - was lucky enough to spend a Month exploreing a small part of it a few years ago, I honestly recon I saw 30 or 40 People in that time.
Mongolia ! - spend just over a week in a small area a 15 years ago can’t imagine it’s changed much & Although More People (Surprisingly) still sparsely Populated. (I was actually ‘Working’ in Kazakhstan but went for a break rest for a week or so a few mile away in Mongolia)
It’s only ‘People’ that cause problems, so go where there’s LESS people to spoil your day !.
I only need to go up the road and i can do as i like,no bother here.:banana:
I'm plumping for central Bolivia (east of the Altiplano). Few rules and regulations, friendly farmers and police. People mind their own business. The place hasn't gone mad by political correctness and health and safety. Shame you're only allowed 90 days a year here. Next stop, Paraguay lifewithglee.com.

No doubt about it - I would say Mongolia. Virtually no roads just loads of parallel tracks (when one is worn out a new one gets started) so no road signs. Literally stop where you are for the night. You may get a few horseman appear from nowhere to share some vodka and you might get invited to their ger. Certainly no police, no pc and no h&s.
I'd say the Isle of Man. Water and waste disposal easily available, wonderful places to overnight and the best motorsport in the world for free a few yards from your van. Not a very large area but plenty to occupy a month or two.
I guess it depends on what you consider the "best" means. It could be a country that has no rules or regulations about wild camping and you can park wherever you want but the place itself is rubbish or you have no desire to go there. In my experience of wild camping which is basically just western Europe and a bit of central / eastern Europe France is the best but then some of the actual best wild spots I have come across have been on the Scottish Islands.
Good idea for a thread. I'm not all qualified to comment, but did have a good time on Islay, Bute and the West coast of Scotland recently. Loving the further afield stories though!
Northern Spain is catching up fast, with more aires opening frequently.
But not in the winter, though. You gotta go south, with all the other snowbirds.
Aussie of course has wilderness, the red centre, Northern Territory
the Nullabor, in fact just about everywhere bar the east coast. I've
travelled much of it but not wildcamped, just car and hotels or
in student days Greyhound bus and government run hostels.
When first went to live in NZ early seventies much of Fjordland
in the South Island hadn't even been mapped extensively, now
with satellite mapping even individual trees have no privacy!

Amusing to see these TV adventure program celebs describing themselves
as "explorers", there are virtually no places on earth left that haven't
been explored, these celebs are just like the rest of us.....tourists or at
best travellers.

I actually think we've lost something by making everything
easily accessible. Even a trip to the "continent" used to be
something of an event, made it all the more appreciated. Nowadays
it's a fairly routine experience, almost mundane to some , I
wonder why they even bother.
One of most prized souvenirs is from Australia.
We rented a little campervan and took off south from Perth. Quite naturally, we wild camped wherever we could.
One morning,as we breakfasted by a remote forest pond, a 6 foot warden drew up and wrote out a citation ,warning us that we had broken the state law, and if caught again, we'd be arrested.
I Held out both wrists.. " Put the cuffs on and take me with you now ", I begged.
With endless long brown legs, perfect blonde hair and emerald eyes, she just laughed and jumped into her Ute.
One of most prized souvenirs is from Australia.
We rented a little campervan and took off south from Perth. Quite naturally, we wild camped wherever we could.
One morning,as we breakfasted by a remote forest pond, a 6 foot warden drew up and wrote out a citation ,warning us that we had broken the state law, and if caught again, we'd be arrested.
I Held out both wrists.. " Put the cuffs on and take me with you now ", I begged.
With endless long brown legs, perfect blonde hair and emerald eyes, she just laughed and jumped into her Ute.

That happened to us too, her real name is Bruce.
You had a lucky escape!
Aussie of course has wilderness, the red centre, Northern Territory
the Nullabor, in fact just about everywhere bar the east coast. I've
travelled much of it but not wildcamped, just car and hotels or
in student days Greyhound bus and government run hostels.
When first went to live in NZ early seventies much of Fjordland
in the South Island hadn't even been mapped extensively, now
with satellite mapping even individual trees have no privacy!

Amusing to see these TV adventure program celebs describing themselves
as "explorers", there are virtually no places on earth left that haven't
been explored, these celebs are just like the rest of us.....tourists or at
best travellers.

I actually think we've lost something by making everything
easily accessible. Even a trip to the "continent" used to be
something of an event, made it all the more appreciated. Nowadays
it's a fairly routine experience, almost mundane to some , I
wonder why they even bother.[/QUOTE

Funny how one week away sh1tting in the woods, eating dodo fossils and abseiling down a kerb changes their lives forever. They must have led cossetted lives before such derring do.!?
best kept secret

The Falkland Islands - off-road, camping out of the back of a trusty landrover, miles of stunning wildness and wildlife, ethereal big blue sky by day and dark nights watching the milky way over the camp fire, maybe go for days without seeing anyone else .... just need to get the landowner's permission ..... for the few, not the many..
Funny how one week away sh1tting in the woods, eating dodo fossils and abseiling down a kerb changes their lives forever. They must have led cossetted lives before such derring do.!?

I think Benedict Allen at least is adventurous (some would say foolhardy)
travels solo selfie filming, but he's not a true explorer, more a traveller going
to places with high chances of personal risk. He was born a hundred years
too late, like the rest of us.

Space the final frontier, to go where no man (or woman) has
gorn before. Plenty of wildcamping up there.

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