when you wash your roof


examine the sealer on the joints
my van is 18 months old and the sealant seems to be breaking down
i dont have any leaks at the moment but it may well be worth checking i will re seal it myself as i dont want to be botherd with dealers sometomes they can be a bit over zealous
i admit it is the first time i have cleaned the roof since new i think i had better check it more often
had a look at mine there is about twenty od years of enthusiastic sealing on it, i suppose if i redid it it will more than likely leak like a sieve. but i may gain on fuel consumption with weight reduction :D
When you wash your roof.

Hi t&s, if you think your roof is dirty, you should stand on a Motorway bridge for a short while and take note how many people don't clean the roof on a regular basis on both Motorhomes and Caravans! Some even grow spuds!

Happy Camping. (and cleaning).
Cleaned my roof a month ago and gave it a good check over. Not a job I want to repeat for a LONG TIME. Was impressed how good the state of the sealant was.
Hi t&s, if you think your roof is dirty, you should stand on a Motorway bridge for a short while and take note how many people don't clean the roof on a regular basis on both Motorhomes and Caravans! Some even grow spuds!

so there are some gardening Ontrapiners amongust us
probably doing there own deliveries

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