whats the law on wild camping


hi ppl where do i stand with the law if im wild camping can they make me move on or can i refuse after all i pay my road tax and leave my camper outside the house whats the diffrence if im in it ? how do gypses stay so long in 1 place :ph34r: only asking as my vans rough and cant be botherd with getting turned down at sites or ppl looking down there noses at me
mmmmmmmmmm interesting one this

all depends where you are and when and whoes askin u to move. Private property and the owners askin well move on cause you should have asked first. On the side of a road outside someones house, you wouldn't like it. A layby shelded from the road then stand your ground as this is where lorry drivers park on long journeys, and we are all told that tiredness kills so take a break. Forestry national trust sites council car parks and the like read the notice if it dosent mention NO Overniteing well enjoy, common sence pays divedends. Waste land old roads that have been left after road improvements no one will bother you. And finally at a push Trading estates mingle with the lorries the drivers are doing the same and overniting

Age dont come into it we drive a 1987 its clean tidy and legal

nice 1 being a driver for the council ill just tell them my driving hours are up and its against the law to move cach22 what can they do :ph34r: sounds like im on to a winner just have check what the hours are as we r tacho exempt on the council for gritting

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