Whats it called ????


Hi Guys...:wave:

I am sure I saw a thread on here a few months ago about cadacs ?? and someone put on here that they use another (thingymejig) and I have no idea what is was called :confused:. Its a pot that you put charcoal in the bottom of it and you can supposedly cook anything in it ???....even roast dinners !!!! sorry for being so vague must be all the booze I aquired over xmas. Anyway thinking of getting one but would help if I knew what I was supposed to be asking for !!!

Appreciate if someone knows what I am talking about even if I dont :lol-053:

Thanks Jac
Yeah Cadac bit cheaper i think *****,,

Thanks, Mothman.
I also posted the same link up above, but it looks to me that many of the items shown in the video are extras, which do make it rather expensive compared to the Cadac. Unless I am wrong?
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Good thread...had a quick look and depending on your space available I guess determines your choice. For me the Cadac Safari would appear to be best as I have a gas BBQ point on the outside of the van, and it seems to be smaller than the Cobb...as I have only a small condenser fridge, I can't afford the space to carry a whole uncooked chicken, so the smaller safari would be best choice......however the Cobb might be ideal for a self converted van just for the fact that you only need a small amount of charcoal and not a gas supply.
Sorry, can't help with the charcoal thing as we use the Cadac Safari Chef. It is brilliant and so quick and easy, much easier and cleaner than charcoal, and don't forget you need to dispose of the used hot coals. Takes time and some people just dump them on the ground and leave a mess. (not saying that you would) just an observation from what we have seen so many times.:sad:
Just plug the Cadac into a BBQ point and off you go.
Anyway, what ever you decide, enjoy and bon appetite!:wave:

Thanks ***** .....whatever I cook on you take your life in your own hands :lol-053: I am the world worst !!! I do like the cadacs as my in laws use it, and they swear by it. Will give the cobb I try first me thinks !!!

Thanks again

Good thread...had a quick look and depending on your space available I guess determines your choice. For me the Cadac Safari would appear to be best as I have a gas BBQ point on the outside of the van, and it seems to be smaller than the Cobb...as I have only a small condenser fridge, I can't afford the space to carry a whole uncooked chicken, so the smaller safari would be best choice......however the Cobb might be ideal for a self converted van just for the fact that you only need a small amount of charcoal and not a gas supply.

That was along the lines of our thinking Viktor ....:)
;) Great Photos there ***** ......Mmmmm that Paella looks delicious !!! :cheers:

Went from the Cobb to the Cadac, as had an external BBQ point on the Motorhome. Love using it and found it an equal to the Cobb in the way it cooks.
It's just whether you want to be carrying yet another fuel source around with you all the time (plus the Cadac is a steal at the moment with some companies).


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