[h=2]Lost goods[/h] If you find goods that appear to be lost, then you can keep the goods as long as:-
- you did not find the goods dishonestly or while trespassing
- you take care of the goods
- you did not find the goods on your employers’ property
- the goods are lost, and not uncollected or abandoned, stolen or treasure
- you have taken reasonable steps to find the owner of the goods, for example, left them to be claimed at a police station for a reasonable length of time
- the goods were found not attached to anything on premises or land where the occupier does not exercise much control, for example, an air terminal lounge, public part of a shop, or recreation ground.
[h=3]What happens to goods handed over to the police[/h] The usual police practice is that you can have the goods back and keep them if they are not claimed within six weeks (six months in Northern Ireland). However, the police may want more time if there are special circumstances and they want to investigate, for example, if they suspect the goods are stolen or think that the owner can be traced. Once the property has been returned to you by the police, the original owner cannot usually then claim the goods.