What would you do


Full Member
this morning on the news, a young man cleaning the drains, found a few watches totaling 60K, he has handed them over to the police, what would you do? i have to be truthful, i would keep them lol, could really do wi 60k right now lol

I would not know what else to do with them, Already got a watch, could not sell them as thay will have been reported "missing" so may as well hand them in.


I would not know what else to do with them, Already got a watch, could not sell them as thay will have been reported "missing" so may as well hand them in.


they havent been reported missing tho, and why couldnt you sell them? if they were stolen they owners would have been paid out with insurance
oh graham, your sooooooo money supermarket lol and yeah, i suppose your right, AGAIN, thinking about it now, suppose i would rather sleep easy, mind you, i dont sleep anyway so what the heck, no think i'd keep them, i've changed my mind :lol-053:
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we once found an eighteen carat gents pocket watch with its chain in the middle of the road. we handed it in .turns out that the owner had put it on top of his car and forgotten about it. happy to return it but a thankyou would have been nice!!!!
Your teasing:bow:

No, truley, i'm not, you are right in what you say, and little angel says hand them in, but the bank says sell the buggers lol, anyway this is hypathetical cos it aint gunna happen to me lol
As time goes by

Hi Morning all

Piss-ed any one want to by a watch it didn't fall off a lorry !!.

A friend of Snowbirds. KD:wacko:

QUOTE=kimbowbill;172068]this morning on the news, a young man cleaning the drains, found a few watches totaling 60K, he has handed them over to the police, what would you do? i have to be truthful, i would keep them lol, could really do wi 60k right now lol[/QUOTE]
this morning on the news, a young man cleaning the drains, found a few watches totaling 60K, he has handed them over to the police, what would you do? i have to be truthful, i would keep them lol, could really do wi 60k right now lol

i'd have nicked the drain cover and sold it for scrap!
Sorry I would have to sell them and buy a new camper, get on the ferry and disapear:) if someone can loss 60K of watches they are not going to miss them. Any Idea where it was I will go and have another look. You never know!!!

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Sorry I would have to sell them and buy a new camper, get on the ferry and disapear:) if someone can loss £60 of watches they are not going to miss them. Any Idea where it was I will go and have another look. You never know!!!


Somehow I don't think that somebody accidentaly dropped 3 watches down a drain, I think that some sort of crime may have been involved! (well done Hercule!). :D
I think there was about 6 watches, obvioulsy a crime and the owners would have been paid out,
If you listened to the fella that found them it sounded like he said he cleaned a drain out on a friday, was showing his cleaning action to a camera crew on monday and found 2 more in the same drain in front of the camera crew.
If you listened to the fella that found them it sounded like he said he cleaned a drain out on a friday, was showing his cleaning action to a camera crew on monday and found 2 more in the same drain in front of the camera crew.

your point being ????
Many years ago Himbenny found a watch when he used to work the lorries on the tips .....there was no way of tracing it back to anywhere. He showed his boss at the time and his boss offered us some money I think about £50 ...we were so naive and took it and (we were really hard up at the time). What we didnt realise was his boss knew the ins and outs of antiques and sold it for thousands.

Have to point out out we are both honest as the day is long and on one occasion I found £700 in a local telpehone box ....I handed it into the police at the time but, but of course I did think about it (its human nature to have little daydream):confused:

Big believer in Karma what goes around comes around .............but bloody hell when are we going to get s turn LOL
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we once found an eighteen carat gents pocket watch with its chain in the middle of the road. we handed it in .turns out that the owner had put it on top of his car and forgotten about it. happy to return it but a thankyou would have been nice!!!!

I once found a wallet full of cash and cards, I handed it in and the police insisted on taking my 'phone number so that when they contacted the owner he could thank me. Got a call from the police later that day to say that the claimant refused to 'phone me, saying "why should I. it was his public duty to hand it in!". Police were really p****d off with him!
they havent been reported missing tho, and why couldnt you sell them? if they were stolen they owners would have been paid out with insurance

How do you know they have been insured.

I, niave as I may be, don't know how to sell stolen goods:eek: I can see it now. I won um in a card game onist guv:eek::eek::eek:
your point being ????

That he cleaned a drain out friday so knew it was empty, when he cleaned the same drain on monday in front of the camera crew there were 2 more watches in a drain he knew was empty firday.
Ergo they were put in the drain over the weekend.
[h=2]Lost goods[/h] If you find goods that appear to be lost, then you can keep the goods as long as:-

  • you did not find the goods dishonestly or while trespassing
  • you take care of the goods
  • you did not find the goods on your employers’ property
  • the goods are lost, and not uncollected or abandoned, stolen or treasure
  • you have taken reasonable steps to find the owner of the goods, for example, left them to be claimed at a police station for a reasonable length of time
  • the goods were found not attached to anything on premises or land where the occupier does not exercise much control, for example, an air terminal lounge, public part of a shop, or recreation ground.
[h=3]What happens to goods handed over to the police[/h] The usual police practice is that you can have the goods back and keep them if they are not claimed within six weeks (six months in Northern Ireland). However, the police may want more time if there are special circumstances and they want to investigate, for example, if they suspect the goods are stolen or think that the owner can be traced. Once the property has been returned to you by the police, the original owner cannot usually then claim the goods.

You are actually bound by law to hand in goods especially valuable ones. It's not a question of being a good Samaritan or whether the insurance has been claimed. Just because you are unlikely to be caught, it doesn't make it any less of an offence. One could go shoplifting in a busy sale period when the shop is packed and it's unlikely you will get caught, but it's still the same offence.
A few years ago I went into our local selling out place on a Friday night, on the floor was a right wad of cash, there was 1 male customer being served in front of me I picked the wad up and said to the owner of the selling out place "someone has dropped a load of money here on your floor" the fellow being served looked in his pockets and turned white, he said I'm an insurance collecter and that is my nights takings the owner of selling out place said, "it's a good job this customer had come in and not some of their regulars as they wouldn't have been so honest.

Another time Start of potters Holidays again Friday night we were packing our shopping up and I saw a wage packet on the side, again Quite a bit of money as someones holiday pay and weeks wages were in the packet. I handed it in and a woman from Blurton claimed it, never so much as a thank you.

Another time found some ones credit card I phoned their bank up to say I had found it, they said that their customer had not reported it missing but they gave me his address, so I drove to Fenton and knocked at this door a fellow answered the door took it off me and shut the door. Again no thank you.

If i found anything again I would still hand it in it's just how my parents brought me up even though they had nothing.

Given that the finder was working for the Local Council at the time, I'm waiting for it to stake a claim on the watches if no owners come forward.

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