In connection to a previous post I was stunned to find my campervan mirror cracked and broken on my way home from work tonight. It was fine this morning so its obvious its happened during the day. It was not on the road side so therefore its has and when someone has walked past ( would hate to think its been done deliberate ) but I have a feeling it was. I am not lucky enough to have a drive or garage, so therfore the camper is parked on a road surrounded by trees etc. There are constantly people walking past in particular, as its fairly busy road leading to shops, schools etc. I know its just a mirror and it can be replaced but just feel upset thinking that this could of been done deliberatly. Our camper is nothing much (very old renault trafic), but me and my husband put our heart and soul into it and its ours....we dont have much but this is ours!!!!!....After the most traumatic start of the year we decided to throw caution to the wind and buy this camper and its broughts us so many happy times in such a short space of time and we spend hours and hours making plans on when and where to go next. So I know I am quite sentimental about it, hence my decision. we have the opportunity of parking it somewhere safe with other caravans and campers. This place is probably a good half hour away, I like the idea of it being locked up and no one being able to tamper with it and cause any damage, however there is something about the freedom of having it parked up on my doorstep so to speak and knowing we can take off at anytime we like. Sometimes when I want some peace and quiet I will go and sit in there for half an hour (heaven) !!!!!!.......
Not too sure what to do :idea:
Not too sure what to do :idea: