What *******!!!!!!!!!!!s

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3270
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Deleted member 3270

BUT thats the way i fell found today that the drivers door quarter light smashed and the rear veiw camara monitor ripped of the dash board .
The van was park in the garden behind 6 foot iron gates
But the scum still thought i will have that , probably thought it was a sat nav .
Phoned police and thought we would just get a crime number but no an officer came and took finger prints ect and then an other phone call to confirm that someone had called
So cant complain with the police action
I (do hope they come back to empty the van )
Sorry to hear that mate.

My van is parked on the drive and I keep the internal screens fitted in case some scrote thinks my camera is a satnav and decides to have it away. I have deadlocks fitted which should prevent him getting into the cab but damage is damage.

Google 'How to safely dispose of a body' before you take any action.
Oh blast! (for want of a better word) you are not allowed to have anything nice nowadays, in case some 'punchbag' has it away. What good is it to them???
I hope their next poo is a hedgehog!!

Sorry to hear that mate.

internal screens fitted in case some scrote thinks my camera is a satnav

Now that is something i did not think of ....that the screen for the camera does look like a Sat Nav!!!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I must do something about it now, before it is too late for me!!
sorry to hear that kieth:mad:the sick part of it is they will have chucked it not knowing what it is.
p.s. glad i live in donny we don't have this anti-social behaviour :rolleyes:honest the mayor told us
Thanks for your imput my freinds , did sleep in the van but no they did not come back:mad:
now going to pick up a new quarter light and fit today to make it secure again (well as secure as it can be)
And then some hard work over the weekend removing a low wall and a flower bed to get the van into the garden by another 6 foot
Good idea maingate , i will be leaving the internal screens fitted in the future.
Sorry to hear that, lets hope they get caught, although that doesn't appear to happen much these days.
Sorry to hear about the van Wilthebeast. The bit I don,t get is that they can cause a £1000 of damage to earn £10 or £20 but if we catch them and give them a well earned slap then we face a prison sentence.
There is some justice, read in the Express about a thug that broke into a house with a young couple and baby in it. The owner got out his air rifle and let off a couple of pellets at him but missed, shame. However when he reported it to the police , he was informed the burgler, who had been drunk and armed with an iron bar had reported the home owner for shooting at him. It went to court and the judge sent the burgler down for 18 months. Give that judge a pay rise:D

break in's

to all those that have reversing camera's fitted is it not possible to park with vans back towards the entrance of your drive/parking area and arrange a way of using it to record onto your pc or seperate hard drive i.e. use it as a security camera????
just a thought, you might catch the little bu----s coming to break in!!!!!
to all those that have reversing camera's fitted is it not possible to park with vans back towards the entrance of your drive/parking area and arrange a way of using it to record onto your pc or seperate hard drive i.e. use it as a security camera????
just a thought, you might catch the little bu----s coming to break in!!!!!

I COULD BE WRONG. I doubt if you can use your reversing camera like a security one. If it is possible, Travivanman, it is a brilliant idea.
If I come across anything I think might be useful online, I write it down on the back of an envelope. After hours of searching, I found it. :D

Do a google for 'easy alarms'. It is a driveway burglar alarm and costs £39.99.

I have just remembered. My security light is one that comes with a plug in fitting that illuminates a bedside light and has an alarm function as well. I got it from Homebase a few years ago. I stopped using the alarm and light function as the local cats were setting it off.
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Might as well set up seperatre security cameras. I know we shouldn't have to do so but this is the way things are now in this country. I have the rear and front of my home covered as well as my camper and my lock up with my spitty in it. the cost was about 450 quid. so I recon money well spent, and my insurance premiums have dropped as well.
Just an up date,
new quarter light fitted and hoovered out the garden as been excavated with the help from my son inlaw and the van is now 6 foot further back and hidden by connifers.
all i have to do now is to get a a new reversing cam kit
i may do from it from the insurance but if any of you guys know ove a good kit please let me know
thank keith
You can buy a clear film that is applied to glass that works like its laminated. it may be good to use on front quarterlights as these seem the most popular window to break.

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