My very large bullmastiff, Henry, aka cheese, is so funny, he does lots of funny things, but what always makes me giggle is after he has had his tea, he has a good ol drink, strutts into the room sits on the sofa, lifts his head up and burps, then trumps, lol, its just like having my ex hubby back home lol, lol, lol,
Ditto with Rigg the pig - as soon as he's finished his dinner, he comes to find me and burps right in my face if I'm sitting down, as if to say Thank you.
My dog Eddie has a lot of Naughty habbits but one thing that makes me smile is when either my husband or I go into the bathroom, he pushes the door open comes in, walkes around the room then goes out? I think he's checking we havn't escaped down the loo?
Ditto with RTP when I'm in the bath. With regards to on the loo, as soon as Miss Tibby Tabby hears me, she scoots upstairs to sit on my knee, and refuses to get down, digging her claws in my bare thighs. Damn cat. :mad2:
When I take my dog, Pepper, to the vets, she immediately gets onto the weighing machine and sits there waiting to be weighed. Trouble is, we then have to tell her to get off because the vet needs to switch the machine on first!
Ditto with RTP, he loves the vets and would go straight into the consulting room if possible. Afterwards, whilst I'm paying, he gets up on hind legs at reception waiting for his treat. Little does he know that me and the vet have a cunning plan... we have now substituted treats for his worming tablets :raofl:
our cat pins the dog down and cleans her ears for her
Ditto. Miss Tibby is definitely in charge in our house. She sits on Rigg's head in his bed and cleans his muzzle and eyes, with her claws going in and out on his nose, you can see RTP wincing but he never objects, he just puts up with it.
And when wicked Miss Tibby is up on the kitchen bench (which she knows she's not allowed to do as she scarpers as soon as I go in the kitchen) trying to get the lid off the margarine tub (she loves margarine) or knock it on the floor so the lid comes off, RTP comes and sits in front of me in the living room, just staring at me - his way of telling tales and getting his own back.
RTP also has a "thing" about black bumbags, as a result of dog training classes (now 6 years ago) - he has never forgotten that black bumbags contain dog treats, and so just on the off chance, if he ever sees anyone with a black bumbag worn at the front, he will go and sit beautifully in front of them, with one paw up waiting for a treat. Unfortunately, it's usually dog owners who wear black bumbags at the front, and so often the bumbag does contain a treat and so the behaviour is rewarded and reinforced.... he's not so daft as he likes to sometimes make out...