Just before the end of autumn I made a video on what wild camping means to us as it an important part of our lives. Personally a small unit with maximum get to ability is priority for us as we would be rather be camping up there rather than down here, but can obviously see the upside of having a in side shower, moped garage etc.. and while traveling all over the place I never get tired of swapping tips and talking to other wild campers in vans big and small about how they do it, where they keep a BBQ, shovel, or the best way to dry your clothes etc...
This is as a family what wild camping means to us, What is Wild Camping? | Campervan Culture
What does it mean to you? any stories to share?
This is as a family what wild camping means to us, What is Wild Camping? | Campervan Culture
What does it mean to you? any stories to share?