What About an UNLIKE button?

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Full Member
After reading through the post regrading the removal of a thread which I agree with some comments but I totally disagree with some of the others. Rather than add another post saying almost the same I can just click the 'LIKE' button to show support. Other posts that I disagree with sometimes push me to add a post which do nothing more than fuel the argument. It would be nice to have a 'UNLIKE' button to show that we disagree with the post. Maybe then some people might get the message that they are at odds with the rest of the forum members.
Dislike not Unlike?

I agree very much, I'm often drawn to comment in someones defence but like you say it fuels the idiots that cause the offence in the first place and it's exactly what they enjoy.

Maybe not unlike button, DISLIKE would be more apt? On FB unlike i thinks used to unlike posts previously liked????
Totally agree with this idea. After all society does have it's own audible system already Clapping and booing.
Can we make it a bit more fun though. Make it a SPANK button or a NUMPTY button!!!!!
Certain people on here might enjoy the SPANK button!!

Part of the Virtual Nookie syndrome
Don't mind what it's called but it would allow you show that you disagree with the post, maybe people who offend need to be told. Anybody who posts regularly on a forum is likely to upset somebody eventually even if the intent isn't intended to be controversial, this is where smiley's can help to show that the post is meant to be light-hearted.
Certain people on here might enjoy the SPANK button!!

Part of the Virtual Nookie syndrome

I must say that I find some of the comments on here very upsetting, especially this one about spanking. Fortunately, this evening I have my weekly session with my personal therapist, Miss Domina Whiplash, which should help me to overcome my distress.
I must say that I find some of the comments on here very upsetting, especially this one about spanking. Fortunately, this evening I have my weekly session with my personal therapist, Miss Domina Whiplash, which should help me to overcome my distress.

Bugger that it bloody hurts.
Certain people on here might enjoy the SPANK button!!

Part of the Virtual Nookie syndrome

:cry: :cry: :cry:
You're getting at ME, I just KNOW you are, and I'm NOT into spanking!!! (...........most other things, except for maggots and tripe....!!)

I like the idea of the Thumbs Down button.....has overtones of gladiators... will Phil get to kill anyone who receives over 100???
:cry: :cry: :cry:
You're getting at ME, I just KNOW you are, and I'm NOT into spanking!!! (...........most other things, except for maggots and tripe....!!)

I like the idea of the Thumbs Down button.....has overtones of gladiators... will Phil get to kill anyone who receives over 100???

Now there's a thought!

Some on here should start saying their goodbyes now. lol
After reading through the post regrading the removal of a thread which I agree with some comments but I totally disagree with some of the others. Rather than add another post saying almost the same I can just click the 'LIKE' button to show support. Other posts that I disagree with sometimes push me to add a post which do nothing more than fuel the argument. It would be nice to have a 'UNLIKE' button to show that we disagree with the post. Maybe then some people might get the message that they are at odds with the rest of the forum members.

I would be happy with any number of buttons, if that is what people want but I find your final comment rather odd - are comments only to be allowed if they are in line with the majority? I don't post because I want to win a popularity contest; I post if I feel something needs to be said. If you and others dislike that you are free to do so and I respect your viewpoint. What I will always rail against is censorship, regardless of whether the majority support me or not.
John I've not come across you before until the last few days but you seem to pop up saying the same thing on different threads.

Surely this thread has nothing to do with censorship.
John I've not come across you before until the last few days but you seem to pop up saying the same thing on different threads.

Surely this thread has nothing to do with censorship.


The original post on this thread referred to my earlier thread, which has been frozen. I would happily have confined my comments about censorship to that thread but I was denied the opportunity. You are right, however, about this being a particular hobby-horse of mine - I don't like thin edges of wedges and I see banning/deleting as one of those.

The original post on this thread referred to my earlier thread, which has been frozen. I would happily have confined my comments about censorship to that thread but I was denied the opportunity. You are right, however, about this being a particular hobby-horse of mine - I don't like thin edges of wedges and I see banning/deleting as one of those.

If you continue to break the forum rules John I will ban you.
I am fed up with you twisting things to try and make them about free speech.
I have warned you publicly about this so you cannot twist this into a suppression of free speech issue.

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