What a wealth of maps


When you guys post an add of a wilding place; I paste it to http://www.multimap.com/maps They give sections of Ordnance Survey maps; showing not only parkings, places of interest, but also inns and loos...(I prefer the first:D) Only it does not show if there's a 'no overnight' :(
Print it and you have a free walking map.
If I need the satnavs I paste the same on http://www.gpscoordinaten.nl/bepaal-gps-coordinaten.php they have the same areals, pinpoint the spot, and I have the satnav of the location.
You British don't realize what a wealth of free mapping you have ! (envy you) ;)
i find the gpscordenence site quite usefull and use it a lot to compile my own list of wild stopovers
but did not know that multimap was usefull for anything
on a similar subject i find that for looking addresses especialy for people 192.com will pinpoint the house and give a sat picture as well but only if you have a persons name that is not ex directory
As far as I know Multimap is the only one giving ordnance survey maps on a scale of about 1/25000 and this only for the UK.
(if I where Dutch I would say: I will never ever buy a map anymore; I print it off for free :D)
((as far as I know 'we' have only 2 Dutch members, so the risk to be shot for that is minimal )):rolleyes::D

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