What’s lurking behind


Full Member
Well I decided to have a look at the rust that was appearing just above the front of the sliding door track. I got more than I bargained for when I took the track off and saw the state of panel. I thought there was only one tiny piece of rust but surprise,surprise this is what it looks like. I have cleaned it up somewhat ready for repainting. I have ground the rust out and give it two coats of Curerust.

Needless to say I am unable to open my side door until the track is refitted!!

So guys this is what could be lurking behind your sliding door tracks as well!!!!�������� A48DB960-E92D-4613-AD87-2BD6954B279D.jpg099E0487-21F5-4DA2-8885-E6F41E58893B.jpgECD9E337-4056-4EF3-9E7C-74D332BA714F.jpg

PS This is what the track looked like in place. You could only see one tiny bit of rust.D133EA73-0681-4EBB-B515-C8C4141D29A2.jpg
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What sort of a Nerd doesn’t take the track off Every week and polish underneath it.
You can’t get decent wildcampers anywhere these days!
Best to coat with two pack zink rich epoxy primer before painting,brush in some waxoil before refitting track,or use a window mastic to seal out water and air.
Best to coat with two pack zink rich epoxy primer before painting,brush in some waxoil before refitting track,or use a window mastic to seal out water and air.

Trev I’ve given it 2 coats of Curerust and I also going to give it a coat of etch primer,then a couple of coats of gloss finish.
Luckily the repair will all be behind the stainless steel track.
I intend to fix it back on with Sicaflex and completely seal it against the bodywork. I will also put a bead of Sicaflex along the top edge of the track so water cannot ingress down behind it in the future.

Thanks for the advice Trev

Cheers Jeff
Like all bodywork jobs the repair keeps getting bigger the more you delve. Great repair going there Jeff.
Sell the self build and buy a Twin :angel: Only kidding....well maybe.

Is that what is meant by, " opening Pandora's box ?"
Question is, do I look behind my rail now ? Demi is right out side the front door. I'm going to notice it every time I leave the house. I can almost hear the "JAWS" theme already !!!!!

Nurse! The screens.
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Good post exy ,was it a pain to remove the interior fittings to unbolt they runner .I would imaging a nightmare on a van conversion like a wildax or addria twin .it would be an idea to give the interior a squirt of waxoil before refitting the washer's and nuts ,
Ex 'n windy,
Just checked mine. Delete Jaws theme, insert Bill Withers, Lovely Day.
Happy bunny
Well thats7C6B7009-AFF6-4EBD-92E1-BCCC2DB0C0D9.jpg7AD3426B-496B-43BD-9E8E-59F48E4B08D5.jpg the paint work done just waiting for the sikaflex to arrive then it’s all back together.
Good post exy ,was it a pain to remove the interior fittings to unbolt they runner .I would imaging a nightmare on a van conversion like a wildax or addria twin .it would be an idea to give the interior a squirt of waxoil before refitting the washer's and nuts ,

Your right Baz it was a bit of a pain to remove the track I had to take the fridge out to get at the first three nuts then I had to drill three hole to get at the last three .i was lucky I had some hard wood to make a trim to cover them hole as you can see .CAF145A2-AA14-4BA9-8980-FC7E3D533E00.jpg9642A1C4-2B96-4053-92E5-EA72E53B9C66.jpg
It’s a bit of a pain waiting for the sikaflex as i carnt open the sliding door till the track is back on.

Ps I didn’t get the last hole where I wanted it lolol
Good job, I hate sliding doors and wished they had kept the old barn door arrangement, much better.
Your right Baz it was a bit of a pain to remove the track I had to take the fridge out to get at the first three nuts then I had to drill three hole to get at the last three .i was lucky I had some hard wood to make a trim to cover them hole as you can see .View attachment 63381View attachment 63382
It’s a bit of a pain waiting for the sikaflex as i carnt open the sliding door till the track is back on.

Ps I didn’t get the last hole where I wanted it lolol

Well done again jeff,now get back in the house and get doing wot chris wants you to do ,hoover,dishes blah blah blah😀😀😀😀😝👍
Your right Baz it was a bit of a pain to remove the track I had to take the fridge out to get at the first three nuts then I had to drill three hole to get at the last three .i was lucky I had some hard wood to make a trim to cover them hole as you can see .View attachment 63381View attachment 63382
It’s a bit of a pain waiting for the sikaflex as i carnt open the sliding door till the track is back on.

Ps I didn’t get the last hole where I wanted it lolol
Good job exy .I have seen the side panel in holes behind the runner .top bit of preventative maintaining .thats the beauty of top notch home build .not so easy on a 60k conversion .
Would I be right in guessing that the original build had no sealing and the track was just bolted on? The photos look as if someone had subsequently added clear silicone sealant, which is, of course, utterly useless.

The holes had a type of fibre washer on them but nothing else wouldn’t use silicon on it .waiting for sikaflex to come so I can seal all the way along the top of the track so no water can ingress behind it.
The holes had a type of fibre washer on them but nothing else wouldn’t use silicon on it .waiting for sikaflex to come so I can seal all the way along the top of the track so no water can ingress behind it.

I was thinking that maybe a thin rubber strip sandwiched between the body panel and runner might be a better idea? I suspect that the runner flexes or moves imperceptibly every time the door is opened and closed, and either the movement has rubbed through the paint finish over time or dirt and grit that has fallen or washed down behind the runner acts like sandpaper. Whilst sikaflex would stop muck dropping down behind the strip, it won't do much to prevent the strip and body panel rubbing against each other. A length of rubber the same length and width as the runner would solve both problems.

Something has abraded its way through the outer surface of the panel, since I understand that they're galvanised, so shouldn't rust unless the galvanic coating had also been worn through. I'm thinking of taking mine off and doing it as a preventative measure now!

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