i wish i'd taken more pics of vans i made for me and others . even i laugh looking back ,some right monsters - but they did the job ,and raising the roof ,with all the kids ,was always a priority,whether it was a molycfoft , a box to form a luton ,or sticking the top half of something else on top . when all us young ,skint ,would-be travellers realised we could drive
anything legally we were off ! buying old buses , fire tenders , ambos ,those old Matadors ,and changing the bodies willy-nilly . it was great ! and if you could get a showmans licence ,then no more tax and you could pull TWO trailers ! i knew one small girl who had a massive Volvo tractor unit ,pulling 2 old showman's wagons ,one with a full size bath , both had AGAs . making chassis longer and putting caravans on flatbeds ,it was great times .
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